Memo to Illinois veterans: Gov. Rod Blagojevich Is Not Your Friend

By Dave Gorak


How sweet! Just in time for Valentine’s Day! Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has proclaimed this week as "National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans" in the Land of Lincoln. "Our veterans have bravely served our country in defense of our freedom," said Blago (the son of "hard-working immigrants," blah,blah.,blah) "I want to encourage everybody to take some time this week to honor and give thanks to these brave men and women, and to let them know that the sacrifices they have made will never be forgotten, " [Blagojevich honors state veteransBelleville News-Democrat, ,Feb. 14, 2007]

I hope you veterans in Illinois — and your comrades nationwide — see such proclamations for what they really are: Pure theater. You're going to have to learn to live with the fact that two-faced career politicians like Blago already have "forgotten" your contributions. In fact, they may have never really given a damn about the values and principles which many of you risked your lives to protect.

Did you all wear the uniform so people could walk across our borders, wipe their feet on our laws and sovereignty, and then come into your communities waving foreign flags and demanding respect and dignity? Blago began showing just how much he valued your contributions in May 2003, when he signed into law a bill giving instate tuition for illegal aliens. A couple years ago he also put his stamp of approval on foreign consular ID cards like Mexico’s matricula consular. And he’s also repeatedly said he would OK drivers licenses for illegals if a bill lands on his desk. I know what you're thinking: What the hell was it all for? And if you don’t say "corporate profits" and "votes," well, like Humphrey Bogart’s character "Rick" in Casablanca,you were "misinformed."

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