Mitt Concerned about Latino Vote, Supports "Republican Dream Act"

By Allan Wall


Do any readers have any contacts with, or influence over, Mitt Romney and his campaign? Mitt is spouting counterproductive falsehoods about the "Latino Vote". An inordinate desire to get the "Latino Vote" leads Republican politicians to sell out their base. Think McCain in 2008.

According to the International Business Times,

The Republican Party’s diminished standing among Latino voters could be a fatal weakness come November, likely presidential nominee Mitt Romney said at a closed-door fundraiser on Sunday. Hispanics represent a large and growing part of the electorate in key swing states like Colorado, New Mexico and Florida, and polls indicate that President Obama has opened a substantial lead over Romney among Latino voters. Romney cast the imperative of narrowing that margin in dire terms on Sunday, telling his audience that Obama’s current advantage "spells doom for us." "We have to get Hispanic voters to vote for our party," Romney said in comments reported by NBC.

Mitt Romney Addresses Latino Issues, Calls For 'Republican DREAM Act',Jeremy B. White, International Business Times, April 16th, 2012

Can anybody educate this guy? Please, somebody.

Romney could find himself in a precarious position after backing a state-level crackdown on illegal immigration launched by Arizona, whose stringent new immigration law provided the template for similar legislation in Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina. Those laws have drawn legal challenges from the Obama administration and been denounced as discriminatory by immigrant advocates, but Romney praised the Arizona law as a national model while enlisting its architect, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, as an adviser.

Wasn’t Kris Kobach supposed to be a good influence on Romney?

The former Massachusetts governor has also said he would veto the DREAM Act … Romney has opposed forms of legal relief for undocumented immigrants as amnesty … .Polls show that the Arizona law is deeply unpopular among Latino voters while the DREAM Act enjoys widespread Hispanic support. But Romney said on Sunday that his economic message would win over Latinos, who have been hit harder by the economic crisis than average Americans. "We're going to be able to get Hispanic voters," Mr. Romney said. "We're going to overcome the issue of immigration.

It depends on what you mean by "overcoming".

… Romney also floated the possibility of a "Republican DREAM Act," echoing a proposal by Sen. Marco Rubio …

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