More from Derb’s Email Bag: Samoa And The Covidissident Right, Etc
(1) In the March 6th Radio Derb I reported that:
[Michael Bloomberg’s] Super Tuesday performance was so bad it was comical. The only place he won was American Samoa, population 55,000. Bloomie could have bought every one of them a house, and perhaps he did. At any rate, he got the enthusiastic endorsement of the territory’s leader, Chief Fa'alagiga Nina Tua-au Glaude.
Chief Glaude — or Chief Fa'alagiga, however the names work down there — is one of those mysterious persons, like Judge James Burke, to whose name Google Images returns no results at all. Possibly she fears that if someone takes a picture of her, the camera will steal her soul. Or perhaps she doesn’t exist. Perhaps she is a fictional creation of the Bloomberg media empire, so he can boast of having gathered at least one enthusiastic endorsement.
As with Judge Burke, a Radio Derb follower has leapt to my assistance. Here she is: Chief Fa'alagiga Nina Tua-au Glaude, with her hubby.
(2) Following the aegrotat post on Friday, a verbally ingenious friend emailed in with:
If you do have the Wuhan Virus, you can blog and tweet as the Covidissident Right.
Thank you, Sir. I rather like that … though not enough to want to get the damn virus.
(3) After noting the passing of physicist Freeman Dyson in my March 6th podcast, I added the following footnote:
I just learned this week that the theory of supersymmetry in modern physics requires that ordinary particles like electrons and positrons all have supersymmetric partners. The supersymmetric partner of a positron is called … a spositron.
A spositron. Say it with care, and write your own jokes.
Listeners have not been forthcoming with spositron jokes, which is a bit disappointing. I worked up a few myself; but they were all unsuitable for a family website, so I have stuffed them into a place where they will not be found.