
The Skier Menace: International Travelers Who Ski Italy, Etc. Brought Coronavirus To Aspen

Steve Sailer


From the Aspen Times:

Aspen tests reveal largest virus cluster in state
News NEWS | March 12, 2020

Carolyn Sackariason and Jason Auslander

Nine individuals in Aspen tested “presumptive positive” for coronavirus, or COVID-19, on Wednesday, making Aspen the site of the state’s largest outbreak cluster, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment officials said Wednesday.

All told, 13 people were in state-ordered isolation in Aspen at various locations Wednesday, including The Little Nell hotel. …

Meanwhile, the couple is being fed by placing food outside their room. The food is served in disposable containers. …

CDPHE officials have ordered three individuals who refused to be tested held in isolation until March 18 when they will have to pass two consecutive tests certifying they are free of the virus, according to Pitkin County Public Health Director Karen Koenemann.

The three who exhibited symptoms of COVID-19 did not give a reason why they refused the tests, officials said.

All 13 are Australians who visited Aspen recently with a 21-year-old fellow Australian woman who tested positive for COVID-19 when she returned home, according to state and local public health officials. …

A total of 18 people were traveling with the Australian woman. Five did not exhibit any symptoms and were not tested or placed in isolation. …

Still, state and local officials can rely on a statute that mandates individuals must remain in isolation or quarantine. If they don’t, an action can be filed in district court to enforce the orders aimed at protecting public health.

In addition to being in contact with those in isolation in Aspen, authorities are in contact with local properties where they are staying, the news release states.

“The property managers have been given information on how to protect themselves and proper cleaning procedures to prevent the spread of coronavirus,” the release reads.

I look forward to a New York Times oped by a young woman of color about how she is being racistly stigmatized for being Asian and for just getting back from a round the world ski vacation that took her to the slopes of Italy, her ancestral China, and Aspen.

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