MSM Continues Free Pass For Perry On Sanctuary Cities
As far as I can discover on Google News, only one remotely MSM outlet deigned to cover the Thursday Texas Tea Party Caucus news conference denouncing Governor Perry’s devious sabotage of the “Sanctuary” Cities legislation in the state legislature this summer: Texas Tea Party Activists Demand Perry Push Immigration Bills Fox News Latino October 14, 2011
But this account does at least pull out the key point: there is nothing to stop Perry proving his sincerity on the issue by recalling the legislature and passing the bill. As Caucus leader JoAnn Fleming pointed out in the previous press conference last month, they are still getting paid. On Thursday Fox reports
"She said 16 Republican senators have now promised to vote in favor of the measure should it be revived — enough to pass the 31-seat chamber. She said Republicans in the House could then easily pass the bill, if Perry convenes a second special session.
"Because we have House support and the votes we need in the Senate, the governor has no excuse," Fleming said."
Remember, this is not intensified enforcement of Federal immigration laws, as in Arizona and Alabama. It is simply an attempt to stop local jurisdictions nullifying Federal law.
Meantime poorly-informed MSM accounts continue to be fooled by Perry’s deceptiveness. A case in point is For Rick Perry, Immigration Could Be Key Issue By Matthew Jaffe ABC News Oct 14, 2011
which says
"At the helm of Texas, Perry cracked down on so-called sanctuary cities…"
(This is in the course of a reasonably thorough recounting of Perry’s shortcomings on immigration enforcement, which follows Politico’s assessment in saying:
"Most Republicans now emphasize border security above all else, as the party’s stance on immigration has seemed to shift further and further to the right. Many of the Republican contenders for the White House are against any attempts to address the legal status of the country’s illegal immigrant population, with some instead supporting deporting all of them.
For Perry and the other candidates, immigration could now prove to be a more crucial issue than anticipated…")"
The Fox account quotes a Perry aide saying there are
“ … no plans to call another session”.
Why not?