Murderous "Dad" is Vietnamese Immigrant, Not Alabaman

By Athena Kerry


Following a link on Google News recently I found 290 articles in this vein:

Dad Throws Kids Off Alabama Bridge
A shrimp fisherman confessed Tuesday that he threw his children from a bridge in the coastal waters off Alabama.
Wednesday rescue teams were scanning waters for the bodies of the four children.
Tuesday night Lam Luong, 37, of Irvington, Ala. was charged with four counts of capital murder after he confessed that he threw his four kids off the Dauphin Island Bridge, which is 80 feet high over the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway that connects Mobile, Ala. and Dauphin Island … (Dad Throws Kids Off Alabama Bridge, By Matthew Williams, EFlux Media 01-10-08)

There were no Lam Luongs in the Army of Northern Virginia.

But only one headline in the 290 identified him as a Vietnamese immigrant — and it wasn’t in a US paper (Vietnamese admits throwing four children from Alabama bridge, South China Morning Post01-11-08).

This ABC News website has hosts a comments section after the story that proves this sort of mendacity really has an effect.

An early commenter says:

CurtMerzFan: "Another drunk rage-aholic male from the south? Why are we even surprized when the offspring of inbred #### smacks their wife or their kid … “

Luckily, not everyone is duped:

actinolite2: "Another drunk rage-aholic male from the south?" Would that be … south Vietnam? Way to go with your short-sighted regional stereotypes, CurtMerzFan ("inbred"? Seriously?)…"

And then, the inevitable:

Serene882: “Shame on you curtmerzfan and actionlite2 for even making that an issue. You two sound like a bunch of racist thugs … and under the influence, might commit the same hideous acts … watch out … don’t let your anger get out of control!! We should learn from the mistakes of others rather than point fingers and stereotype a certain group of people. As a Vietnamese, I am offended by your comments…”

In short, this is yet another case of what has identified as "immigrant mass murder syndrome". But don’t expect the MSM to report the trend, when it can’t even report the facts.

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