Nigerian Student Threatens Immigrant Mass Murder — MSM Calls Him "Southern Illinois Student"

By James Fulford


Another case of "Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome" thwarted? His citizenship is unclear at the moment because he had two passports, but Olutosin Oduwole is a Nigerian name. The only places you find people named Olutosin Oduwole are (a) Nigeria, and (b) countries that allow immigration from Nigeria.

In any case, there’s not only the death threats, there’s the demand for money, which sounds like the kind of thing I get in email all the time from Nigeria: "An undelivered note found in Oduwole’s abandoned car threatened "a murderous rampage similar to the VT shooting … THIS IS NOT A JOKE" unless he received $50,000 within seven days."

At the moment, the word "Nigerian" is used in some stories to describe his passport, not him. The words African and Immigrant are not used at all.

Illinois student charged with threatening rampage | U.S. | Reuters llinois student charged with threatening rampage Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:31PM EDT

CHICAGO (Reuters) — A 22-year-old college student was held on Wednesday on charges that he threatened to shoot other students in a "murderous rampage" like the April massacre at Virginia Tech University, school officials said.

A loaded handgun was found last week in the campus apartment of Olutosin Oduwole, a student at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, and he was arrested.

Oduwole was charged with making a terrorist threat and gun possession. He was being held on $1 million bail.

An undelivered note found in Oduwole’s abandoned car threatened "a murderous rampage similar to the VT shooting … THIS IS NOT A JOKE" unless he received $50,000 within seven days.

On April 16, Virginia Tech student Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people and injured 25 others before killing himself.

Oduwole had purchased four more guns on the Internet but had not yet received them, school officials said.

A gun dealer alerted federal agents because Oduwole appeared impatient to get the weapons, according to a police affidavit.

Authorities found both a U.S. and a Nigerian passport in Oduwole’s apartment but school records listed his home address as in Maplewood, New Jersey. He was taking summer classes, and had been placed on academic probation a year earlier.

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