There’s yet another left-wing witch hunt, against hedge fund principal Peter Thiel, who may or may not have given $1 million (wow!) to our friends at NumbersUSA (see here and here). What gets me about this is that NumbersUSA is actually a boringly bland Beltway operation, shrinking from any mention of immigration’s impact on racial balance, always ready to settle for half a loaf (or a whole Huckabee). As I write, its webpage is dominated by a handwringing headline Horrendous Murder of Ecuadorian Man on Long Island Reminds Why We Say NO TO IMMIGRANT-BASHING Language. This is not quite the line we take here at VDARE.com.
Don’t get me wrong — no doubt this type of grovelling gets you into the game in Washington. But the point is that, out here in America, NumbersUSA is still denounced as an "anti-immigrant" group guilty of "nativism", which the loonies obviously confuse with naziism. (For our view of "nativism", see here.) The Wages of Moderation turn out to be worthless. Peter Thiel could not have gotten into more trouble if he'd given to us.