Google Image Search has only this for "Israeli Detention Center"
You have to give them credit.
Unintimidated by uproar, the Government is moving to keep out of society huge quantities of those illegal immigrants who can allege technical difficulties about being deported by holding them in detention camps!!!
Unfortunately, this is actually not America but Israel (the numbers are extrapolated from the Wikipedia population estimates for America and Israel): Israel to build migrant detention camp AFP Feb 7, 2012
JERUSALEM — Israeli planning authorities on Tuesday approved construction of a detention centre for illegal immigrants…it would have an initial capacity of 3,000 people, rising to 11,000 by completion…for mostly African migrants smuggled across Israel’s borders but who for legal reasons cannot immediately be deported to their countries.
This courageous step follows Israeli Premier’s Netanyahu’s forthright statement
I view the flooding illegal, job-seeking immigrants as threats to our economy, society, security and the delicate demographic fabric which Israel is built on," … "We are determined to protect our border and our citizens' jobs … It is the obligation of any government that is concerned about the future of its people,"
The Obamacrat response? DHS: No New Immigrant Detention Center in Texas BY Hernan Rozemberg Fronterasdesk.org February 3, 2012 H/T One Old Vet