Phoenix Greyhound Station: Illegal Aliens Keep Coming
Illegal aliens continue to be driven from Texas to Phoenix and Tucson because DHS in Texas is overwhelmed by the amnesty-inspired run on the border. When the invaders arrive at the bus station, they are sent along their way with tickets to their destination.Since temporary housing seems to be a problem, can’t Sheriff Arpaio set up a few more tents? When the 2013 sequester drama played out in illegals being released from prison, he offered free jail space to house the foreign pests.
Some people say they are shocked at the border chaos (“urgent humanitarian crisis” according to MSM), but it’s only Obama using his executive power to welcome future Democrats.
Retired INS Senior Special Agent Mike Cutler suggests that the thousands of unaccompanied illegal alien kiddies be reunited with their US-residing families and then ship the whole bunch home — family reunification done correctly!
The estimated tab for American taxpayers to provide welfare for illegal alien children from Latin America keeps rising and is now up to $2.3 billion next year.
Meanwhile, illegal aliens are being sent a thousand miles from south Texas to Phoenix — a little payback from the administration to the state that wanted to enforce immigration laws?
Incidentally, opening the border to the world is likely to prove an irresistable magnet to jihadists and other enemies.
Naturally, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer fired off a sternly worded letter of complaint to the White House, but the squirrelly media loves to focus on the adorable kiddies and their parent-caused travails.
FOX 10 News |
DHS continues to drop immigrants off at Phoenix bus station, Fox 10 News, June 3, 2014PHOENIX (KSAZ) — One day after Arizona Governor Jan Brewer fired off a letter to President Obama, concerned about dozens of undocumented immigrants being dropped off at a Phoenix bus station, another bus load of immigrants arrived.
Early Tuesday morning FOX 10 saw a bus load of people dropped off by a bus with Department of Homeland Security markings.
The Greyhound spokesperson said that Arizona is the only state they’re aware of that is getting bus loads of people.
The Greyhound bus station near 24th St & Buckeye has turned into a refuge for bus loads of immigrants being dropped off by DHS.
FOX 10 was told immigration officials are moving hundreds of undocumented workers caught in Texas who are from Central America to Arizona. DHS says they don’t have the manpower to process them all.
Volunteers dropped off Powerade, diapers, and toys for the kids.
“I’m a mother with small children, I can’t imagine how exhausted, tired, and scared the women are. So I just wanted to be able to help them in any way possible,” said Ella Herrington.
A spokesperson for Greyhound said that up until a couple of days ago they were not given any notice that large groups of people were being dropped off. They say this had never happened before.
“We do not have an agreement of any kind with ICE or the U.S. Border Patrol. We recently established protocol with them which they now will inform us going forward several hours in advance before dropping off large groups of people to ensure we have the resources to accommodate them once they arrive,” said Lanesha Gipson.
DHS officers were seen handing out water to families getting off the bus, Greyhound says they are also helping out. “Once they arrive we provide water and food for them, we also allow them to use phones to call family members so they can get tickets to travel,” said Gipson.
Gipson said she wasn’t sure if most of the immigrants were staying in Arizona or taking a bus to another location. Greyhound said they have been able to get extra drivers and buses to accommodate the increase in volume. They are also letting the immigrants stay at the station overnight. Gipson was unaware of anyone who had to stay multiple nights.
All the immigrants bused to Phoenix are supposed to report to a local ICE office at their destination within 15 days.