Tim Donnelly Easy Winner Of CA Votes-Per-Dollar Race
It’s nice that immigration patriot Chris McDaniel is ahead in the GOP Mississippi Senate primary, although if it goes to a run-off the usual occult forces will no doubt inspire the GOP Establishment to make a rule-or-ruin last stand.
But I am really sad about Tim Donnelly, edged out 19%-14..5% by the ludicrous Neel Kashkari in the weird California Monster primary. Not only is Kashkari not a conservative — he supports homosexual marriage and Amnesty — he’s barely even a Republican, having voted for Obama in 2008. It is no coincidence, comrades, that GOP Establishment favorites so often turn out to be Democrats — think Arlen Specter or Charlie Crist. The California GOP Establishment has simply lost the will to live.
Further proof of how tightly MSM messaging is controlled: no-one seems to have drawn the obvious conclusion from the extraordinary divergence in expenditure in the race:
Kashkari was better financed than Donnelly, giving $2 million to his own campaign and raising roughly another $2 million, compared to the $447,000 Donnelly raised this year. Kashkari also benefited from an independent-expenditure push by major California donor Charles MungerGOP relieved as Tim Donnelly concedes in California, by Elizabeth Titus, POLITICO, June 4, 2014
Kashkari got 599,543 votes and Donnelly 467,655. So Kashkari spent $6.67 per vote at least — that’s not counting "independent expenditures." Donnelly spent only $1.05.