$PLC endorses Steve Levy for NY Governor
Yesterday in Steve Levy: A Patriot Candidate for NY Governor I noted that the Suffolk County Executive’s entry into the race gave patriots a chance to see elected a man who has long demonstrated a solid understanding of the damage being done to America’s social fabric by excessive low quality immigration — in contrast to the nearly useless machine candidate, Rick Lazio. I also noted Levy has picked up several Republican endorsements including that of the GOP state Chairman.
In fact, Levy has already received the most valuable endorsement he could — a savage attack by the Southern Poverty Law Center ($PLC). In VDARE.com’s view, there can be no higher praise.
That the SPLC should single out this local government official is a measure of the fear Levy has triggered in the Treason Lobby by his efforts to protect his citizens
The Enabler — dated 09/2009 — snarls
County Executive Steve Levy isn’t the only public official engaging in the verbal immigrant-bashing, or the most extreme. But he is the highest-ranking, and since he was elected to his first term in November 2003 after promising a crackdown on illegal immigrants, Levy has been acting like the enabler-in-chief.
The Plutocrats who run the $PLC are particularly outraged that Levy sympathizes with the Suffolk County peasantry:
In 2007, Levy was interviewed by The New York Times about his championing of local ordinances designed to drive undocumented immigrants out of the county. "People who play by the rules work hard to achieve the suburban dream of the white picket fence," Levy told the newspaper. "If you live in the suburbs, you do not want to live across the street from a house where 60 men live. You do not want trucks riding up and down the block at 5 a.m., picking up workers."
Swamping the country with a new servant class is a cause extremely dear to the heart of the New York Establishment, not least because they typically employ quite a few themselves. This is going to rough fight.
Furthermore, although he obviously has a Jewish name, I see from his (current) Wikipedia entry that Levy’s mother had an Italian surname and that he married in an Episcopal Church. Ethnic sensibilities will be twanging.
This should be interesting.