Please Help One Old Vet Keep Up His Superb Service
Regular readers know that as I recently repeated in ONE OLD VET Nails Obama’s “Flood-America-By-Stealth” Plan
One Old Vet is in my opinion the best news aggregator for following America’s Immivasion disaster, putting the lavishly funded Inside the Beltway Immigration Restraint outfits to shame.
The site has supplied ammunition for a myriad of VDARE postings (and graphics!).
OOV is the work of one elderly man on a pension who is in poor health. He is a true Patriot doing more than a full-time job.
OOV has now posted
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Last year we struggled to raise the funds to pay just our hosting fees. This year we have equipment that MUST be replaced or we will be forced to shutdown our operation by January 1, 2015.So here it is folks. We need $1,300.00 for hosting fees and equipment replacement or we will close OOV forever.
I have discussed this equipment situation with OOV and it is very real. In fact it is amazing the site is as functional as it is but OOV is very resourceful
You can donate directly: One Old Vet P.O. Box 17888 Indianapolis IN 46217
by Pay Pal or tax-deductibly via the Foundation. As I noted previously in Please Help One Old Vet Pay Web Host, Keep Fighting!
Be sure to mark any checks clearly “For One Old Vet”. If you want to use PayPal to pay through, go via to access the service and designate OOV. Direct payments through PayPal are not adequately identified.Help defend America!