Radio Derb Is On The Air: Point’N’Sputter From, Etc.

By John Derbyshire


Radio Derb is on the air — go here to play it, or download the MP3.

Excerpt: In last week’s podcast I opined in reference to the Superbowl halftime show that, quote, "The nation’s appetite for anti-white propaganda seems … to be well-nigh bottomless," end quote. Later in the same segment I confessed that what mainly got my attention when watching the show was, quote, "Beyoncé’s curiously large, meaty thighs."

That earned me a point-and-sputter from some hack named Heather Digby Parton over at lefty website Quote from her:

Pitting Latinos against African Americans remains a tactic on the anti-immigrant far right, however, where nativist groups like VDARE fatuously declare their deep concern for the well-being of African Americans while running articles like this one from John Derbyshire, in which he complains about Beyoncé’s "anti-white thunder thighs." Their insincerity toward the problems of the African American community couldn’t be any clearer.[ Donald Trump’s despicable race-baiting: Why his xenophobic immigration platform is getting even worse , February 17, 2016]

The words "fatuously declare" have a hyperlink to a piece we ran four years ago about some hearings held by the House Subcommittee on Immigration. Our anonymous writer (Washington Watcher) did not declare a "deep concern for the well-being of African Americans," though. In fact, he complained that

Yet before tackling important issues such as legal immigration or birthright citizenship … the Republicans [on the Committee] still felt they must discuss the problems that immigration causes minorities.

So Heather Digby Parton needs to work on her reading-comprehension skills.

Our writer did go on to point out the hypocrisy of black congresscritters championing unrestricted immigration of low-skilled workers, which of course hurts the job prospects of low-skilled citizens, including black ones. That’s well worth pointing out, and we do it a lot, and I hope shall continue to.

Why this Salon writer thinks it’s "fatuous," which my dictionary defines as "foolish or inane," I don’t know. What she actually seems to mean is that the deep concern she falsely claims we display is dishonest.

Again, I’m not aware of us displaying any "deep concern," in that 2011 piece or any other, and "fatuous" is not a synonym for "dishonest."

I also don’t know why the lady thinks we are insincere about the problems of blacks — I beg your pardon: "the African American community." As an immigration-restrictionist website, we think our government should put the interests of Americans, including black Americans, above the interests of foreigners, especially foreigners who display contempt for our laws. That’s the entire extent of our concern about blacks.

The only other context in which we write about blacks — no, I’m not going to say "the African American community" again, being of the opinion that one syllable trumps twelve — the only other context is to push back against the hatred of whites, some of it on the part of black groups like Black Lives Matter, that in our opinion is poisoning our national culture. We are anti-anti-white.

Come to think of it, I don’t know why this woman thinks VDARE is, quote, "anti-immigrant." Peter Brimelow, who runs the site, is himself an immigrant — a member of what I guess Ms Parton would call the immigrant American community. VDARE is not anti-Brimelow. How could it be? — he runs the durn thing. I’m an immigrant too, and my wife is another. VDARE is not anti-Derb, nor is it anti-Mrs Derb. I’m certainly not anti-myself, nor am I anti-my wife (except when she leaves the cap off the toothpaste tube).

I’m peeing into the wind here, of course. Still, it’s worth mentioning semi-literate lefty halfwits like Heather Digby Parton now and then just as a reminder of one of the abiding truths about the political left, first noticed by Orwell: not so much that they don’t know the meaning of words — although that too, often enough, as Ms Parton’s struggles with the word "fatuous" illustrate — as that they hate the idea of words having any meaning.

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