Sadly, it is now conclusively obvious that for the British to fight WW2 was a waste of blood, toil, tears and sweat (except perhaps for the Politicians and Generals who in the process got their pages in History).
Last night the contemptible UK Prime Minister David Cameron slunk back from Brussels after groveling for some cosmetics with which to bamboozle the British electorate to acquiesce in continued rule from a Continental Capital. The muslimization of Europe and therefore Britain is proceeding rapidly because of the bribing of the German Dictator by Soros & Co. And much worse, the supreme glory of the British polity, freedom of speech, has been destroyed in just a few years with apparently no protest.
Just how bad things have become was highlighted by the invaluable Daily Mail on Wednesday with Man, 40, appears in court over ‘grossly offensive’ Facebook posts about Syrian refugees settling on Scottish island of Bute By Jessica Mckay For The Scottish Daily Mail and Martin Robinson, Uk Chief Reporter For Mailonline Published: 07:14 EST, 17 February 2016 | Updated: 17:29 EST, 17 February 2016
A man charged with posting offensive messages on social media about Syrian refugees in Scotland has pled not guilty.(VDARE.com emphasis). Note, no mention of plotting or inciting violence — no doubt because he did not. Just being rude is enough. Also, Clark was forced to undertake not just not to post on but even to use the internet. He is in cyberspace solitary confinement!Scott Clark, 40, of Rothesay, on the Isle of Bute, was charged with writing a series of posts targeting refugees who were rehomed on Bute before Christmas … .
He was granted bail, with the special condition that he does not access the internet before coming to trial.
There have been a shocking number of these cases in recent years. Recall Emma West, the young Englishwoman who was separated from her little children and imprisoned for having the courage to complain vividly about immigration on a train in 2011.
Why has the U.K acquired Political Police as aggressively repressive as the Gestapo the British thought they were fighting to keep out of their homeland? The most thorough analyses have appeared on appeared on Kevin MacDonald’s ground-breaking Occidental Observer website.
The Suppression of Free Speech in the UK by Matthew Roberts January 14, 2015 is a full exposition of the disgraceful facts:
In Britain today over 20,000 posters on social media … have been investigated by police in the last three years, with more to come. Pastors, street evangelists and political activists all risk being hauled into police stations and either being arrested or warned for speaking out against Islam, immigration or homosexuality.British clampdown on free speech accelerates Francis Begbie October 25, 2015 explained how Muslim misbehavior is being utilized as a pretext to eliminate the traditional freedom of speech “Rights of Englishmen”.
The long anticipated British government Counter-Extremism Strategy document has been unveiled — and it looks to aimed at unprecedented restrictions on freedom of speech, movement and association.The Counter Extremism strategy document was nominally inspired by the upsurge of Muslim militancy from the “Trojan Horse” Islamic takeover of state schools to the fear of returning Jihadists, but somewhere along the line it seems to have been decided that it is the threat of White violence that also needs to be talked up.
It hardly needs to be said that there is no equivalence at all. No Whites have ever carried out suicide bomb attacks on underground railway stations or airports nor have they hacked servicemen to death on the streets, nor do their menfolk engage in ethnically-motivated mass rapes against vulnerable female children.
Sadly, the essay can identify the driving force:
The hidden ethnic agendas at play in this document are revealed in the first few pages…on page 12 when it names the Community Security Trust as a trusted source of anti-Semitism statistics. The CST has already boasted of its behind-the-scenes role in the drawing up of this document.(The Community Security Trust is analogous the $PLC)
The document then lists the TellMama organisation as a source of its figures on Islamophobic incidents. This organisation — Mama stands for ‘Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks’ — styles itself as Britain’s foremost anti-Muslim hate organisation and has received hundreds of thousands of pounds from the government to “monitor and combat hate crimes” against Muslims.But what is nowhere revealed here is that the CST effectively took over TellMama in an attempt to corner the ethnic victimhood market. Britain’s foremost Islamophobia organisation is Jewish-run! Indeed the former chief executive of CST took over much the same function with TellMama and at a meeting with government ministers, insisted that anti-Muslim attacks have the same status as anti-Semitic attacks in being logged separately by police.
The Home Secretary has now duly complied. And now anti-Muslim allegations are to join anti-Semitism incidents in being the only hate crime categories nationally recorded by British police.
This of course opens the question answered for us by Kevin MacDonald in The Hate Crimes Prevention Bill: Why Do Jewish Organizations Support It?
… in the English-speaking world, the “Hate Crime” strategy has been used to repress views unwelcome to Jewish organizations.
In a week which saw John Derbyshire repressed by Williams College President Adam Falk, Americans should not be complacent about the durability of their First Amendment rights. As I pointed out in Can Free Speech (And America) Survive A Minority-Dominated Supreme Court? any “Court” which can legislate homosexual marriage would have no difficulty in eliminating the free speech right of Americans, no doubt with a froth of Falkian hypocrisy.
Peter Brimelow noted even 7 years ago many British World War II Vets were bitterly disappointed with what has since happened to their country. Thankfully the passage of time will have spared many from seeing this ultimate disgrace.