Redondo Beach Rally Next Saturday

By Joe Guzzardi


Next Saturday, January 15th, grassroots activists from and will rally at the Redondo Beach Civic Center to support Redondo Beach’s efforts to crackdown on illegal alien day laborers and also to gather signatures for the SaveOurLicense initiative prohibiting illegal aliens from acquiring state drivers’ licenses and other social benefits.

Details of the rally are here.

After receiving numerous complaints about illegal alien day laborers congregating on the streets, the Redondo Beach Police Department conducted a two-day sting operation in October.

Many illegal aliens were arrested for unlawfully soliciting for work in public.

However, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund jumped to the defense of the aliens. MALDEF sued the city claiming that the illegal aliens and their First Amendment Constitutional right to free speech were being infringed upon.

United States District Judge Consuelo Marshall issued an injunction citing “serious questions” about the city ordinance.

Redondo Beach City Attorney Jerry Goddard (e-mail him at ) promises to aggressively defend the ordinance in court. But Save Our State and Save Our License feel it is imperative that citizens publicly show their support for the city.

Joe Turner, a spokesman for SOS told me:

“We are simply ordinary California citizen activists who have had enough. People must speak out against threat open borders and illegal aliens pose to our national security, our economy and our quality of life.”

(e-mail Turner: )

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