VDARE.com: 01/09/05 — Blog Articles
Boycott Baca Burgers? [A Reader] - 01/09/05
I was intrigued by Joe Guzzardi’s account of ethnic spoils gatherer Polly Baca rushing to offer legal aid to her fellow Chicana, the thuggish Julissa Molina-Soto, when she assaulted immigration reformer Terry Graham. Especially when I learned from the victim’s essay (linked to by Joe) that Baca is a fraud — being actually from an aristocratic Spanish Land Grant family long settled in Colorado.
So I googled around and found that Baca grabbed another plum last summer. Burger King appointed her to its "Diversity Action Council."
Since Burger King was bought by a syndicate led by Goldman Sachs and David Bonderman’s Texas Pacific Group in late 2002, it seems to have made fawning on minorities a top priority. A "Senior Vice President of Diversity" has been appointed, mandated to
"focus on four areas, to include business development for minority franchisees and suppliers, franchisee relations, diversity employment and training."
Which sounds like: to discriminate against white Americans.
Something to think about when next out for a hamburger.
(Burger King, prudently, does not accept email from the public.)
Get ready — because here they come! [Steve Sailer] - 01/09/05
I hope Iraqi cuisine is tasty, because a lot of Iraqi collaborators will probably end up running restaurants in America once one group or another of fanatically anti-American insurgents ends up in power in Baghdad.
What are the odds that current puppet ruler Ayad Allawi will be opening a falafel stand near you? Because new immigrants typically follow old immigrants, you can place your bets based on the Migration Policy Institute’s list from the 2000 Census
Table 2: Ten Cities with the Largest Iraqi Foreign-Born Populations, 2000 |
Looks like you are in luck, Detroit!
Although, if I had to bet, I'd go with the Allawi winding up in Alexandria, VA. Or maybe in Crawford, TX.