Rick Santorum Again Questioning Legal Immigration

By Allan Wall


Here at VDARE.com we don’t endorse candidates, but we can report on what candidates and potential candidates are saying that is relevant to the National Question. And in 2015, every prominent national politician could be considered a potential candidate.

Thus I find it interesting and potentially positive that Rick Santorum is pointing out the downside of today’s legal immigration, just as James Fulford reported him doing back in August. (See Rick Santorum, Labor Day, And The Workers Who Would Vote Republican If They Thought The GOP Was On Their Side.)

It was reported in the leftist "EclectaBlog" which of course presented it as a bad thing. But the blog entry contains a video of part of Santorum’s speech delivered to the South Carolina Tea Party on January 19th, 2015, which makes it very recent.

Check it out here. Here’s part of what Santorum said:

Let me ask you a question. Since 2000 there have been a little over six million net new jobs created. What percentage of those net new jobs are held by people not born in this country? Half? Sixty? All of them. There are fewer native-born Americans working today than there was [sic] in 2000, in spite of 17 million more workers in the workforce. So when people tell me the problem is just illegal immigration, they’re wrong. They’re wrong… We are almost at the same level of non-native born in this country they were at in 1920. And in 1920 they realized, wait a minute, it’s affecting our workers. Wages have stagnated, everybody knows that. Why? Part of the reason. Median income is going down. Why? Part of the reason is that we’re bringing floods of legal, not illegal, legal immigrants into the country.[Emphasis added by Eclectablog, not VDARE.com.]

Now this is all old news to faithful VDARE.com readers, but it’s refreshing to hear it in the upper echelons of the Republican Party. Santorum also talked about blue-collar workers and how they need representation. This could be a successful strategy for a candidate, if it were presented forthrightly and in an articulate manner.

Has Santorum been reading VDARE.com?

I invite you to view the short video.

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