Romney Gaining Edge, White Share Up To (At Least) 54%-56%
It looks like Gallup is winning the poll battle — other tracking polls seem to be moving in its direction and now show Romney gaining/ ahead. The RealClear Politics Average puts his lead (Oct. 18) at just 1 percent. Small movements in Romney’s share of the white vote seem to be key.
- Gallup just reported (Oct. 18) that Romney is now even further ahead among likely voters, 52-45. That’s a seven point lead, seriously statistically significant.
Gallup’s confusing website doesn’t always show the racial breakdown, but on Tuesday, when Gallup showed Romney just four points ahead, his white share was a very strong (for him) 61%. Presumably this trend is continuing.
Gallup is has a reputation as a liberal group, which makes its Romney results more impressive. Indeed, Gallup doesn’t seem particularly happy: it headed its press release today with the exciting news that "3.4% of US adults identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender."
- IBD/TIPP reported today (Oct. 18) that Romney still trails Obama 45.7-46.2, which is closer by a point since yesterday.
As usual with the Main Stream Media, the IBD commentary goes on about independents, women and 18-44 year olds. The simpler explanation: Romney’s white share increased by a point, to 54%.
- Rasmussen Reports now shows Romney leading Obama 49-47.
Rasmussen’s Premium Platinum subscribers learn that Romney’s white share is stable, at 56%.
Remember, the Congressional GOP got 60% in 2010. (More white share comparisons here — scroll down).
Rasmussen also illustrates Romney’s continuing problem with the white working class, especially in the North. The service reported today that Romney still trails Obama 49-48 in Ohio. Platinum subscribers can see that Romney is getting only 53% of the Ohio white vote.
Conversely, Rasmussen also reported today that Romney’s lead in North Carolina has widened, to 52-46. Romney’s white share in North Carolina: 64%.