Rubio: "Gang of 8 Amnesty/ Immigration Surge Bill Can’t Pass House"

By Peter Brimelow


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“The bill that’s in place right now probably can’t pass the House,” Rubio told Mike Gallagher, a nationally syndicated talk show host. “It will have to be adjusted, because people are very suspicious about the willingness of the government to enforce the laws now.”

He continued: “That is a very legitimate suspicion, it’s one that I share, and if there’s anything we can do to make [the bill] even tighter … that’s exactly what we should be working on.”

The Florida Republican called the Gang of Eight bill a “starting point” and urged opponents to propose changes to the bill, not try to kill it altogether.

Marco Rubio: Gang of Eight’s immigration bill can’t pass the House, by Seung Min Kim, POLITICO, April 30, 2013

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