Senator Rubio to Give Bilingual (Spanish) Republican Response to SOTU

By Brenda Walker


The Republican Party’s designation of Sen Marco Rubio as its voice of the diverse future is looking worse all the time. Not only is he the crown prince of the Senate amnesty plot, er framework, but now he has been chosen to give the Republican response to the President’s State of the Union speech — in English and Spanish.

Memo to the Senator: Americans do not want to be a “bilingual” nation, with Spanish holding the same cultural and legal importance as English. We still expect immigrants to learn our language as well as embrace our national values. A 2010 Rasmussen poll found that 87 percent supported English as the official language. We still believe in assimilation as a necessary component to immigration, otherwise the nation breaks down into ethnic and linguistic ghettos, which is what has in fact happened under decades of lawlessness.

If Sen Rubio wants to be a conservative leader of America, then he should represent traditional values of sovereignty, the English language and culture.

Rubio to deliver GOP response to SOTU in both English and Spanish, Daily Caller, February 6, 2013

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio will deliver the GOP response in both English and Spanish following President Obama’s State of the Union Address? on Feb. 12.

House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell announced that they have selected the Florida? senator, considered a rising star in the Republican Party, Wednesday.

“He’ll deliver a GOP address that speaks from the heart to the hopes and dreams of the middle class; to our party’s commitment to life and liberty; and to the unlimited potential of America when government is limited and effective,” Boehner said in a statement.

Rubio has in recent weeks been at the forefront of the immigration debate, as one of the more vocal advocates for the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” proposal for immigration reform.

“Marco’s own experience as the child? of immigrants has always informed his belief in limited government and free enterprise, which is why he has helped lead the fight against out-of-control spending and job-destroying tax hikes that continue to hold our economy back and stifle opportunity for millions,” McConnell added in a statement. “He was a natural choice to deliver the Republicans’ alternative to the administration’s reliance on government and debt.”

Rubio said he was honored by the opportunity.

“I look forward to laying out the Republican case of how our ideas can help people close the gap? between their dreams and the opportunities to realize them,” he said.

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