SHOCK! Immivasion Damage To American Workers Noticed In WALL STREET JOURNAL!!!

By Patrick Cleburne


Somalian Meatpacker in Colorado (H/T Denver Post)

Immigration Patriots are still reeling with shock this afternoon: the Wall Street Journal has published an Immigration story which actually mentioned negative aspects of the immivasion!!!!

On the Killing Floor, Clues to the Impact Of Immigration on JobsBy Sara Murray August 22, 2013 is focused on the notorious immigrant-magnetic meatpacking plant in Greeley Colorado, now owned by the Brazilian firm JBS:

… the union handbook is printed in English, Spanish, Burmese and Somali.

Astonishingly, the story quotes George Borjas

… a Harvard University economist who has supported limits on immigration, found that when immigrants — legal and illegal — came to the U.S. over a nearly two-decade span, they pulled down wages for low-skilled workers by as much as 4.7%.

and concludes with a direct discussion of the damage excess immigration has done to an American:

Luis Benzor, 39 years old and a native-born American, thinks he is already getting the losing end of the deal. He says he applied for a job at the plant and never got a call back "because they have Somalian people that work there."

After a 15-year stint in the Army, he ended up in a construction job with steadily declining wages. He was laid off. He blames illegal immigrants willing to work for lower pay.

The saga of the US meatpacking industry is extensively documented on In forty years or so the industry has gone from a high wage unionized urban business to a low-wage small town exploiter of otherwise virtually unemployable immigrants, often refugees, connived at by Democratic Pols masquerading as Union officers. A classic case of privatizing profits and socializing costs.

The saga of the Wall Street Journal has our attention too. As Peter Brimelow observed in 2005 in Wall Street Journal Concedes: Immigration Depresses Wagesthe newspaper

…is famously schizoid: the news pages are written by conventional liberal media Democrats. The Editorial Page, once controlled by conservative Republicans, is now a stronghold of Neoconservatism (a very different thing).

In recent years immigration coverage has been dominated by open borders fanatic Miriam Jordan a sample of whose rantings I discussed in WSJ Crows: "Refugees" get scarce jobs ahead of Americans.

Applaud Sara Murray. We fear she will be soon Frummed.

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