Spring Sob Story Update

By Brenda Walker


The ultimate carrot of mass amnesty looms large these days over the millions of trespassing foreigners who believe America owes them something.

The compliant MSM reacts by printing up a batch of sniffling sob stories that are nothing more than propaganda for open borders, with no news content whatsoever. Tears flow copiously, plights are lamented and mean-spirited Americans are condemned for wanting to keep the borders and sovereignty that thousands in uniform died to protect.

Here are some recent additions to the annals of Boo Hooey. Kleenex alert for you sensitive types!

” Poor Alejandro, The "depressed-looking" illegal alien from Guatemala has had to cut down on his social life because of the fear of lawful repatriation to his home country. Oh, the humanity!

He used to work out at a gym and go to dances on Saturday nights. "Now it’s work, home, work, home," he said. [Immigration: After sweep, man prepares for worst, Sante Fe New Mexican 4/1/07]

” Parents who dragged their children through the criminal- and rapist-infested desert for days to break into American are really miffed that they aren’t freed immediately because they brought the kiddies along.

"I came to have a better life here. In America we can be somebody, and I can be with my family," 15-year-old Jorge said in Spanish.

Jorge is separated from his family while living at the Bokenkamp Children’s Shelter. [ Treatment of immigrant children inconsistent, Austin New Ch8 4/1/07]

” A San Jose family lives in fear because someone Might Be Deported!

Remember when news was about Events that actually Happened? Not in Sob Story journalism lite. The mere existence of emotional discomfort experienced by illegal aliens and their family members is sufficient to rattle on at length.

Alvarado’s eldest daughter kicks a ball out front with her own young daughter. A son watches over a grandchild while another son sleeps off his graveyard shift. Another daughter coos over an infant; the youngest daughter arrives from school.

This is a celebration, but one with a painful center: Alvarado’s eldest, daughter Aime Alvarado, 26, a beloved and integral family member, is an illegal immigrant. [Mixed status causes family to fear worse, Contra Costa Times 4/1/07]

And what’s an "immigrant" story without whining and complaints? This one ends up with a zinger: "We came here to get closer," [son Sergio] said. "But this country gets between us."

See, everything was wonderful for this angelic family before we mean Americans ruined it by insisting on equal justice under the law.

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