Step 1: Migrants Who Can’t Speak English To Be Rejected; Step 2: How About Official English?
Neil Munro reports at Breitbart that the Trump Administration is pushing a new rule [PDF] that will allow federal officials to reject prospective migrants who cannot speak English.
“English language proficiency is a skill that also is relevant in determining whether an alien is likely to become a public charge in the future,” says the draft “public charge” regulation. The regulation is intended to help officials exclude migrants who will likely rely on American taxpayers for their health care, welfare, housing, and wages.
People with the lowest English speaking ability tend to have the lowest employment rate, lowest rate of full-time employment, and lowest median earnings. According to U.S. Census Bureau data, people who spoke a language other than English at home were less likely to be employed, and less likely to find full-time work when employed. In a 2005 study, “on average, workers who spoke only English earned $5,600 more than people who spoke another language.”
Data indicate that the rate of coverage of non-cash benefits among those who spoke English either well or very well (about 15 to 20 percent) was significantly lower than the rate among those who either spoke English poorly or not at all (about 25 to 30 percent) …
[Trump rule rejects migrants who cannot speak English, September 26, 2018]
It’s a step in the right direction, but it’s incomplete. After all, the real problem is that so many illegal immigrants have already come into this country that excluding future migrants only scratches the surface. [Yale study: Illegal immigrant population likely double, possibly triple previous estimates, by Stephen Dinan, Washington Times, September 24, 2018]
Controlling illegal immigration by building a wall and deporting illegals already present are obvious steps. But another is establish English as the official national language. There are already huge majorities favoring this policy and President Trump has made favorable utterances towards it in the past. And even though journalists call it "white nationalist," it’s obviously civic nationalist at its core. Why, after all, do journalists want this country to be linguistically divided?
There’s already a bill introduced by Congressman Steve King to establish English as the official language. What exactly are President Trump and the GOP waiting for?
Western Iowa Congressman Steve King is renewing his call to declare English as "the Official Language" of the United States.
King recently posted a story from the political newspaper "The Washington Examiner," calling it "shocking."
"Nearly half of the residents in the nation’s five biggest cities do not speak English at home, choosing instead their native language, according to the latest Census Bureau data that details the impact of a decade of soft immigration policies," said King.
"Overall, a record 67 million do not speak English at home, said the bureau. That is nearly double in 27 years.
In its just-released analysis of the Census data, the Center for Immigration Studies said, 'As a share of the population, 21.8 percent of U.S. residents speak a foreign language at home — roughly double the 11 percent in 1980.'"
King added in his post, "I believe the most unifying force in the world has always been a common language. Almost without exception, every nation state, including the Vatican, has at least one official language — except the United States. My English Language Unity Act requires all official functions of the United States to be conducted in English.
[King: only 'Leftists' oppose official language, Storm Lake Pilot-Tribune, September 24, 2018]