The Leaders Of The $PLC’s New Model Army
If you read my article today about the Army and the SPLC, you should know that the full 14-page text of the SPLC-quoting email from Lt. Col. Jack Rich is online, courtesy of the American Family Assocation, one of its targets. [See it here in PDF]
Someone pointed out that the names of the leaders on the distribution list included Jamal, Davon and Lashauna.
That’s one thing, but it also includes Jessica, Elizabeth, Laurain, Brittany, Andrea, and Maranda. What’s the marching song of this unit, Mambo Number 5?
There is only one Hispanic name on the list — perhaps they're all waiting for amnesty before joining up:
— — Original Message — — From: Rich, Jack L Jr LTC USARMY (US) Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 10:28 AM To: Chaney, Kenneth S 1SG USARMY (US); Dekaye, Jason M 1SG USARMY (US); Donavant, Christopher G SFC USARMY (US); Fink, Jeremy L 1SG USARMY 101 ABN DIV 4 BCT (US); Jenkins, Jamal R 1SG USARMY (US); Stipkovich, Christopher Scot (Christopher) MSG USARMY 101 ABN DIV 4 BCT (US); Aguigui, Henry J CPT USARMY (US); Conley, Ryan D CPT USARMY (US); Flores, Benjamin R CPT USARMY (US); Greenleaf, Christian D CPT USA RMY (US); Oglesby, Jon V CPT USARMY (US); Richardson, Hengel M CPT USARMY (US); Scharbo, Cory R CPT USARMY (US); Aebischer, Jeffrey D CPT USARMY 101 ABN DIV 4 BCT (US); Barker, Lucas B CPT USARMY (US); Barta, Jeffrey J MAJ USARMY (US); Beal, Chris B MAJ US ARMY (US); Boyer, Brad H CPT USARMY (US); Caddell, Jessica J CPT USARMY (US); Evans, Elizabeth L CPT USARMY (US); Gwinn, Jeremy T MAJ USARMY (US); Hackett, Laurain C 1LT USARMY (US); Jeffries, Teela M 1LT USARMY 101 ABN DIV 4 BCT (US); McInnis, Kent W CPT USARMY (US); Pollak, Maranda C CPT USARMY (US); Robinson, Major E Jr CPT USARMY (US); Tryzbiak, Brittany E 1LT USARMY (US); Barnes, Donyet D SFC USARMY (US); Beverly, Lefonte C MSG USARMY (US); Chahalis, Mitchell T SGT USARMY (US); Czarnikow, Glen A SSG US ARMY (US); Ford, Brandon W SGT USARMY (US); Howard, Andrea L SFC USARMY (US); Jones, Anthony V SGM USARMY (US); McFall, Jaime J SSG USARMY (US); Mitchell, Davon L SSG USARMY (US); Thomas, Lashauna P SFC USARMY (US) Cc: Christian, Lamont CSM USARMY (US)
Subject: Domestic "Hate Groups" (UNCLASSIFIED)
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: FOUO Leaders, Many events have been taking place across the country — just want to ensure everyone is somewhat educated on some of the groups out there that do not share our Army Values.[PDF]