The Quayle/Schweikert Amnesty Blocking Bills Hero Count: An Update

Patrick Cleburne


Now that America’s Supreme Legislative Body appears to have decreed that the Executive Branch has the option not to enforce laws impinging on its supporters, what goes on at the Federal level has become even more critical.

Sadly, neither of the Amnesty blocking bills, HR 5393 (Quayle) and HR 5957 (Schweikert) added any cosponsors on Friday — the totals remained at 30 and 20. This means Congressman Quayle has not yet reciprocated and signed his Primary rival’s measure.

The Madison Project (whose Daniel Horowitz first alerted me to these measures) describes Schweikert promisingly in their profile:

While many freshmen folded under the pressure from leadership, Schweikert was actually removed from the Whip team because of his conservative dissent.

( emphasis)

(Quayle’s profile has yet to be posted)

Over the weekend something I read of Roy Beck’s drew my attention to HR 2497, the Halt Act.

This was introduced last July 12 in response to the ongoing Obamacrat Stealth Amnesty (in other words before last August’s major ramp up). It has 55 cosponsors: considerably more than both this year’s bills together net of the 12 who have signed both.

Of these 7 have signed up this month, presumably in response to the latest atrocity

Rep. Diane Black [R-TN6] (joined Jun 19, 2012)
Rep. Samuel “Sam” Graves [R-MO6] (joined Jun 19, 2012)
Rep. Vicky Hartzler [R-MO4] (joined Jun 19, 2012)
Rep. John Mica [R-FL7] (joined Jun 19, 2012)
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland [R-GA3] (joined Jun 19, 2012)
Rep. Rob Woodall [R-GA7] (joined Jun 19, 2012)
Rep. John Sullivan [R-OK1] (joined Jun 21, 2012)

Only 2 of these have signed either of the new bills. Consolidated, there is quite a substantial group here.

It is perfectly clear that the GOP Congressional leadership and Romney campaign intend to acquiesce in Obama’s Amnesty Coup d’état. No doubt they are in full intimidation mode too.

But signing these bills (which could be voted on since the Republicans control the House) is an effective way for individual Congressmen to disassociate themselves from this Treason.

There are voters out there too!

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