Theresa May’s Ratchet — UK Race Audit Finds "Disparities" … Which It’s Illegal To Explain

Steve Sailer


From the Guardian on Theresa May’s really, really dumb initiative:

Audit lays bare racial disparities in UK schools, courts and workplaces

Government study finds regional variation, and separate research suggests minority ethnic women hardest hit by austerity

May’s project, which she launched soon after taking office, brings together government statistics covering ethnic breakdowns in 130 areas across health, education, housing, employment and criminal justice.

Other findings, which include known data presented in a new manner alongside unpublished information in 24 areas, are:

- Black Caribbean pupils are permanently excluded from school at three times the rate of white British pupils — triggering a Department for Education review.

- Almost nine out of 10 white Gypsy and Roma children do not reach the expected standard for reading, writing and maths at 11.

- 9.2% of white 15-year-olds smoked in 2014-15, almost four times the proportion of black teenagers (2.4%).

- Black men are more likely to be found guilty at crown court, with 112 sentenced to custody for every 100 white men.

- The data goes beyond breaking down figures by colour, delving into differences between a variety of ethnic groups. Chinese pupils excelled at primary school, with 71% reaching the expected standard for reading, writing and maths, compared with 65% of children from an Indian background, 54% of white British pupils, 51% of black children, and 13% of white Gypsy and Traveller children.

The Prime Minister said:

“People who have lived with discrimination don’t need a government audit to make them aware of the scale of the challenge. But this audit means that for society as a whole — for government, for our public services — there is nowhere to hide. These issues are now out in the open. And the message is very simple: if these disparities cannot be explained then they must be changed.”

And if you explained these disparities, you could get thrown in the jail for your trouble.

So bring on the affirmative action.

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