
This Week In Conservative MLK Worship: D’Souza Thinks Trump Belongs With Hall Of Communist Heroes

Eugene Gant


Earlier: Rethinking Martin Luther King Day in 2023 — With VDARE.com’s Own Never-Sealed MLK Archive [61 Items]

Well, it’s been Zero Days since a professional conservative hero-worshiped communist adulterer and accessory to rape Martin Luther King Jr., he of the plagiarized doctoral thesis that proved he was not, theologically speaking, a Christian. Then again, give Dinesh D’Souza credit. He adds pious fraud Mahatma Gandhi and communist terrorist Nelson Mandela to the list of Leftist worthies we must admire because they had mugshots. The occasion for this effusion of admiration is the arrest of POTUS 45 Donald Trump in Fulton County, Georgia, for exercising his free speech right to say the 2020 election was stolen, is in good company.

Of course, he isn’t in good company, as D’Souza well knows. But they didn’t call him Distort D’Newsa at Dartmouth for nothing.

Here’s the tweet, reproduced in a screen shot against the galactically remote possibility that D’Souza is embarrassed and deletes it.

This is particularly infuriating given the time and money conservatives such as Howard Phillips spent in the 1980s fighting his holiday [BRIEFING; Dr. King Holiday Opposed, by James F. Clarity and Warren Weaver Jr., New York Times, September 29, 1983]. Leading the fight were Senator Jesse Helms and Representatives John Ashbrook and Larry McDonald.

Then again, D’Souza played the key role in wrecking Sam Francis’ career at the Washington Times. Francis wrote Helms’s floor speech detailing King’s communist associations, so maybe D’Souza’s King worship comes naturally. After all, as Paul Gottfriend wrote, King worship is a litmus test for professional, Democrats-are-the-real-racists conservatives.

Likewise for Mandela, and the time and money conservatives spent, also in the 1980s, to stop the Reagan Administration from slapping sanctions on South Africa to punish it for apartheid. We now know what a perfectly reasonable policy that was. That aside, I helped fight that battle. Back then, even politically correct members of Conservatism, Inc., called Mandela what he was.

Equating Trump with these three was bad enough. But a literary giant such as Russian patriot Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn? Words fail me.

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