
Rethinking Martin Luther King Day in 2023 — With’s Own Never-Sealed MLK Archive [61 Items]

By James Fulford


See, earlier: 2022: Time To Rethink Martin Luther King Day? Now More Than Ever!

We first posted Editor Peter Brimelow’s Time To Rethink Martin Luther King Day in 2015, and we intend to repost it until we have, so to speak, Overcome.

Peter’s fundamental point was that the cost of the King Cult to White America, especially to white children, was too high. Rather than repost it in full, we’ll let you go to the link above and/or watch the video version below: has been writing about Martin Luther King, Jr. for years, because worship of him is now more or less mandatory in American schools, and a “career test“ for Conservatism Inc. types. You won’t get this kind of content from National Review, although while MLK was alive, William F. Buckley, who had not yet surrendered to the Civil Rights Movement, was very critical of King’s pro-Communism, pro-riotism, and “civil disobedience.”

While we have lots of fascinating stuff about MLK’s plagiarism, pro-Communism (King “colluded“ with Russia during the Cold War and especially the Vietnam War) and his personal life, which included adultery and rape, his aims and methods in fighting Southern segregation and Northern poverty weren’t that good either. The FBI had him under surveillance (because of the pro-Communism, and the nationwide “Mostly Peaceful” demonstrations of the time) and in 1977 a Federal judge had those records sealed for 50 years, which runs out in 2027.

For some of the details, see Helms, Jesse. “Remarks of Senator Jesse Helms.“ Congressional Quarterly, based on Sam Francis’s research and information about King that the FBI was willing to release to a Senator. The late Senator Helms also circulated a 300-page document with more details, that Daniel Patrick Moynihan called a “packet of filth“ and physically stomped on.

What the late Senator Helms was arguing for was the idea that a man with the content of MLK’s particular character was unworthy of a national holiday [Helms Stalls King’s Day In Senate, by Helen Dewar, Washington Post, October 4, 1983]. Was he right?

See for yourself:

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