VDARE.com: 01/19/05 — Blog Articles

white doe

Virginia Dare


Bush To "Serve All Americans"…Well Done? [D.A. King] — 01/19/05

In a pre-inaugural speech today, the President remarked: "Everyday I am president I will serve all Americans."

I am reminded of an episode of the 1960’s TV show The Twilight Zone in which a spaceship full of seemingly well-intentioned aliens from outer space arrive with a book titled "To Serve Man", which is taken as proof of their friendly intentions.

Only at the end of the story, after the aliens have taken many gullible and trusting Earthlings away, is "To Serve Man" discovered to be …a cookbook.

Resisting "Refugees" Works! [Thomas Allen] — 01/19/05

Add Manchester, NH to the list of communities which have mounted enough resistance to stall the resettlement of African refugees by federal authorities in their towns. This list now includes the entire state of Kansas; Holyoke, Mass; Cayce, South Carolina and Lewiston, Me.

As reported in the Manchester Union Leader:

…the unexpectedly large number of refugees who arrived here last summer exceeded the city’s capacity to serve them, ensure their safety and absorb them into the community.

As usual, the federal government and its contactors

did not give city officials advance notice of the placements". According the state refugee coordinator "Manchester just got overwhelmed".

Refugee officials have vowed to place the refugees in other New Hampshire towns such as Laconia and Concord. ["City halts flow of refugees," by Kathryn Marchocki, December 23, 2004; "Sept 11 tied to surge of NH refugees," by Kathryn Marchocki, December 24, 2004.]

The national media has ignored what might once have been reported as a major event.

Perhaps they don’t want those other towns to get any ideas!

Memo To Bush White House: Why Not Pick Teddy? [Thomas Allen] — 01/19/05

Note that Senate Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Saxby Chambliss was recently purged — reportedly because he was not sufficiently pro-immigration.

Chambliss, whose overall Americans for Better Immigration score is A- was replaced by Sen. John Cornyn (R, Texas), whose overall score is D.

The Bush team was said to be particularly offended that Chambliss presumed to deviate from the White House line after they helped him win his 2002 Senate race by trashing his opponent, wounded Vietnam veteran Max Cleland.

The appalling truth: Senator Kennedy, the ranking Democrat on the committee, is closest to what the Bush team wants out of the leadership of the committee.

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