
Will The 2024 Election Be Stolen? Yes. Follow Joe Fried CPA Election Central Substack To Learn How.

Patrick Cleburne


Recently it seems to have dawned on GOP Apparatchiks that the 2024 election is likely to be stolen.

The first step, of course, is to recognize that the 2020 election was stolen: How West Virginia’s Mac Warner Is Fighting The ‘Worst Election Interference’ In U.S. History [by M.D. Kittle, The Federalist, March 12, 2024] reports the West Virginia Secretary of State saying:

Folks, this was the worst election interference in the history of the United States.

and Lara Trump says RNC must use ’legal ballot harvesting’ for first time to stay competitive against Democrats, by Danielle Wallace, Fox News, March 11, 2024. This is unthinking response to an extremely serious problem.

More astute observers have already seen what is coming: Devastating Matt Taibbi Essay On Democrats’ 2024 Election Coup Planning — 2020 Too.

Immodestly, I think the best synopsis of the 2020 Election fraud is my own Yes, Virginia (Dare): The 2020 Election WAS Fraudulent — And GA GOP Leadership (Among Others) Are Complicit, particularly the summary of Joseph Fried’s definitive book Debunked?: An auditor reviews the 2020 election-and the lessons learned.

Joseph Fried has subsequently a number of crucial essays on his Joe Fried CPA Election Central Substack.

AVR: The Newest form of election cheating, Oct 2, 2023, is probably decisive:

To many state administrators, it is not good enough to permit citizens to register when they get a drivers license. They must be registered automatically when they interact with any state agency.

Fried explains that where a state uses a ‘back end” system:

… the person is registered unless he opts out at home — some days later, when he is informed of the registration with a postcard. Of course, he may not be able to read that postcard if English is not his native tongue.

[VDARE.com emphasis]

He observes:

The impact of AVR will be massive, and it will affect many noncitizens who aren’t qualified to vote…

People who are unknowingly registered to vote are especially valuable to the ballot harvester. He can apply for their ballots and vote on their behalf.

At least there is a little humor in Pennsylvania’s 2020 Election was Invalid, November 7, 2023:

However, the essay which really needs study right now is Surprised by the midterm election results? Take a look at the data, November 25, 2022.

Fried opens by noting that in many states, especially the Senate races in Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, the results belied late polling data. He says:

…there are only three likely explanations for the unexpected results: late campaign surges, polling error, or aggressive ballot harvesting.

He considers each in turn, noting that the only late developments which might have been expected to influence the vote were very poor interview performances by the Democratic Senate candidates in AZ and PA. There were certainly plenty of emotive reasons for Democrats to go out and vote, but none which obviously intensified in the past few days.

Turning to the polling data, Fried conducts an exhaustive analysis, complete with charts and graphs. He summarizes:

…it seems there was no last minute erosion of support for GOP candidates. And polling error is unlikely, given that the GOP lead was shown by many different pollsters, in different states, and for different candidates. Yet, the Democrat candidates consistently beat expectations by quite a lot.

This leaves the third alternative. Fried says:

I believe that aggressive ballot harvesting is the most likely explanation for the disparity between pollster predictions and actual results in the 2022 midterm elections…

…large-scale harvesting operations have been performed in many states, and I believe they often lead to serious election law violations … it is a dirty, dishonest practice that should not be tolerated. It is a real “attack on democracy."

In Devastating Matt Taibbi Essay On Democrats’ 2024 Election Coup Planning — 2020 Too, I quoted Taibbi saying:

The 2024 presidential race increasingly looks like it will be decided by lawyers, not voters, as Democrats unveil plans for America’s first lawfare election.

As I pointed out in my 2020 election fraud essay (above):

Perhaps the most important service of the 2020 Presidential Election: demonstrating that the state and Federal judiciary is packed with unrestrained Leftist partisans.

As Fried himself has noted, since then this has become even more indisputable: Joseph Fried, Author Of Definitive Election Fraud Book DEBUNKED, Audits Trump Case Judges. They Fail.

If this were not enough, the “Democrats” (who, as Taibbi points out, were considering mass demonstrations in 2020 if Trump was the victor) are developing a fallback: West Point Dumps MacArthur Formulation: Elevates Army Loyalty Above Country. Democrats Plan Military Government?

Conservative Inc. media has completely failed to cover this critical matter.

Sign up to follow (for free) Joe Fried CPA Election Central. It is the best way I have found of following this impending disaster.

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