April 27, 2022, 05:53 PM
Over the years, we have all heard pundits on the Left and Right promote the Model Minority myth about Asian-Americans.
The truth is that Asians, particularly well-educated Asians, make up a growing segment of the anti-American, Open Borders Left.
Asian voters consistently support Left-wing candidates; a wide majority of Asian Americans voted for President Biden in the 2020 election.
Why is this the case?
In Dreams from My Father, a twenty-something Barack Obama describes a trip across Europe where he felt disconnected from the achievements of the historic civilizations he visited.
He said: "And by the end of the first week or so, I realized that I’d made a mistake. It wasn’t that Europe wasn’t beautiful; everything was just as I’d imagined it. It just wasn’t mine."
This “It just isn’t mine” factor explains much of the social dysfunction in modern day’s increasingly diverse United States.
This brings us to Michelle Wu, the Harvard Graduate daughter of Taiwanese immigrants, and the current mayor of Boston.
The Boston Globe wrote that Wu’s election as mayor “[shattered] barriers to mark a new era in one of the nation’s most durable bastions of white male political power.”
Nevertheless, just a few months into her tenure, the 37 year old Michelle Wu has already become the most unpopular mayor in the city’s nearly 400 year history; a city she aspires to remake, but clearly does not understand
Wu’s first blunder was bringing in fellow Taiwanese-American Tiffany Chu whose top priority was to ensure “gender equity” in snow plowing across the city.
Hard to believe, I know. But that is not even the worst of it.
Wu then imposed a COVID vaccine mandate on public service employees and private citizens, as well as vaccine passport checks to enter public establishments. This was heavily protested by the citizens, and generally ignored by many restaurants.
The bizarre thing is that Mayor Wu seemed genuinely stunned by this entirely predictable reaction.
Just watch Wu’s puzzled face when she held an Instagram Live interview during which outraged citizens began to question her “papers please” approach to governing
In the face of such intense public opposition, Wu eventually backed down, withdrew the vaccine passport But she attributed her defeat to white racism:
[Mayor Michelle Wu says she’s received racist messages in response to vaccine requirement, by Rosemary Ford, Boston Globe, December 23, 2021]
Read more about Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and the rise of “It Just Isn’t Mine” Asian Leftists by Matthew Richer here.
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