Illegal Alien Stabs White Woman 55 Times As Affair Violently Ends | VDARE Video Bulletin
April 26, 2022, 06:12 PM
An illegal alien from Mexico has been charged in the murder of Orsolya Gaal following the discovery of her body, which had been stuffed into a duffel bag and rolled it to the side of a nearby road, leaving a trail of blood leading to Gaal’s side door.
That illegal alien is David Bonola, who has now pleaded guilty to stabbing Gaal 55 times with a kitchen knife. Authorities report that Gaal had employed Bonola as a handyman in her family’s home. At some point, Gaal’s relationship with Bonola blossomed into a sexual affair that went on for two years, leaving behind a trail of cringeworthy social media exchanges between the two. While the victim’s husband, Howard Klein, took a trip to Portland with their 17-year-old son on a college visit, Bonola paid a visit to Gaals home in Queens.
Investigators report that Bonola had suspicions that the married Gaal had been talking to other men. As the two argued about the affair-ception allegedly taking place, Bonola slashed Gaal’s throat and stabbed her 55 times. The illegal alien then stuffed Gaal’s body into her son’s hockey bag, which he sloppily left on the side of a nearby road.
After 21 years of illegally residing in the United States, Bonola has now been placed on detainer by ICE to keep him in custody.
A.W. Morgan writes for
Here’s a message: If you permit an illegal-alien “handyman” into your home, let alone into your bed, you just might find out how handy he is with a steak knife.
Read the full story by A.W. Morgan here.
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