Ray Kelly, former New York Police Commissioner, told ABC’s “This Week” today that he’s worried about a “copycat” bombing at the Boston Marathon on Monday (April 21) but that the Massachusetts authorities police state-style clampdown is “everything they can reasonably do.”[Ray Kelly worries about Boston Marathon 'copycat' attack, by Jennifer Epstein, POLITICO, April 20, 2014.] That, of course, is because neither Kelly nor anyone else in the Ruling Class wants to mention the obvious: the Boston Bombing was yet another case of Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome — jihad department — and the ultimate answer is an immigration cut-off
Significantly, the Main Stream Media has found a way around the immigration dimension of Islamic terror in America: calling it “homegrown terrorism.” This term is now regularly used to describe any Muslim killer wanna-be who didn’t come directly from Jihadistan with orders from a recognized terror group to blow up infidels. The radicalization process implied by the MSM is vague, but somehow young people mysteriously absorb Islamist ideology in this country — so America is at fault, not immigrants!
A Google search in mid-April for Tsarnaev Homegrown Terror got 1.2 million results even though the Boston Bombers were not “homegrown” in any sense of the word, but were immigrants. The Tsarnaev parents and Dzhokhar entered the United States in 2002 as tourists and then successfully claimed asylum. Tamerlan, born in 1986, followed a year later on his own at age 16 when his character was largely formed by living as an ethnic Chechen with his Muslim family in the Caucasus region. In 2012 Tamerlan traveled to Dagestan and remained for six months in an area known for a violent Islamic insurgency. But a spelling error caused the government to miss his return to the US, even though the Russians warned that he was associated with jihadists. [US missed Russia’s Tsarnaev warning due to misspelling, By Reuters, March 26, 2014]
In the real world, almost nobody falls into Islam from reading about it on the internet. The perps are mostly immigrants, first or second generation, who are immersed in the culture of Islam vs. infidels. Even in the case of converts, the new Muslims have responded to a belief system brought to this country by immigrants.
But the MSM’s “homegrown” strategy has another important consequence: it makes Americans more accepting of intrusive security, as memory fades that such extreme measures were not always the norm.
And this year’s Boston Marathon security is really extreme. Unlike the New York City Marathon, which occurs within the boroughs of the city, the Boston Marathon is run through eight separate municipalities, requiring a much more elaborate regional effort, involving 3,500 police officers and National Guard members including undercover agents. [Security plan ’significantly enhanced' by Jack McCluskey, ESPN, April 16, 2014]
The runners themselves now have many restrictions, according to the Boston Athletic Association. Prohibited items include: Backpacks, glass containers, any container capable of carrying more than 1 liter of liquid, strollers, suitcases & rolling bags, personal hydration system products (such as CamelBak®, Thor®, etc), weight vests or any sort of vest with pockets, costumes covering the face or any non-form fitting bulky outfits extending beyond the perimeter of the body, props (including sporting equipment and military and fire/gear and signs or flags larger than 11 inches x 17 inches), any item larger than 5 inches x 15 inches x 5 inches.
Strollers and backpacks will be permitted for spectators, but anyone who looks sketchy will be questioned.
Professional sports make especially appealing targets for Allah’s gangsters because of the thousands of potential victims plus MSM coverage. As a result, pro baseball and football games are now security zones where spectators are frisked to check for bombs, guns or poison. The bigger the event, the worse the threat, and the more invasive the security.
The 2014 Super Bowl, played in MetLife Stadium near New York City, required an army of police to protect the arena. One hundred law enforcement agencies worked for two years to develop a comprehensive security plan for the game. [Plan for Super Bowl safety covers stadium, entire region By Karen Sudol, The Record, January 26, 2014] Four thousand private and government officers were assigned to the big game. [Protection Package: 4,000 Security Officers To Work Super Bowl XLVIII, CBS, January 15, 2014] The arena was temporarily a 10-mile no-fly zone enforced by Blackhawk helicopters. Bomb-sniffing dogs checked the entire place and fans had to take special buses and trains to the game rather than drive. [Super Bowl 2014 transit: Bus riders avoid mob scene that train riders faced, by Joseph R. Vena, The Jersey Journal, February 02, 2014] Spectators were very limited in what they could carry — only tiny bags or clear plastic freezer bags. Naturally, all fans were physically screened upon entrance in airport-style security.
Co-host Eric Bolling commented on the April 15 segment of Fox News’s The Five, that it took him (!) an hour and a half to get through Super Bowl security — with a special pass (!!). Regular ticket holders took twice as long.
Another notable example of targeted sports: the 2012 London Summer Olympics. The games turned the city into an armed camp, including military choppers with snipers ready to fly and surface-to-air missiles mounted on neighborhood rooftops.[ London rooftops to carry missiles during Olympic Games, by Robert Booth, theguardian.com, April 29, 2012] The two-week event cost $2 billion for security, largely to protect athletes and spectators from Britain’s famously unfriendly Muslims. [London 2012 Olympics a Terror Target,By Eric Stakelback, CBN.com, July 19, 2012]
Note that nothing like these extreme protective measures were needed for London’s 1948 Games. At that time, the city was un-Islamic and the athletic competition could be freely enjoyed as an element of Western civilization that dates back to ancient Greece. For a nostalgic reminder of a vanished time when sports were free and easy, check out the Daily Mail’s photo-filled article: The 1948 Games: Fascinating images of the last time London hosted the Olympics … on a budget of just £70,000. [by Tim Goodenough, July 21, 2012]
The Olympic torch is presented at the 1948 Summer Olympic Games at Wembley Stadium in London
One missing fact from the security reports: the dollar expense. Certainly many police will merely be reassigned for the day, but others will be working overtime. The anti-terror training involved for bomb recognition which likely comes from federal programs. The sponsor of New York’s event, the New York City Road Runners, contributed $1 million, but police costs are certainly far more than that.[NYC Marathon is back — with million-dollar security, By Mary Thompson, CNBC, November 1, 2013]
Announcing the costs would signal to the bad guys how seriously the authorities regard the threat — but it would also be a measure of the cost of diverse immigration. And we don’t want the little citizen taxpayers thinking in those terms.
Diversity of the Islamic variety has strangled sports with oppressive security at a huge cost in dollars and to liberty.
Thirteen years after 9/11, the federal government still fails at the basics of protecting the citizens.
And just days before the 2014 Boston Marathon, the New York Police Department announced it would end its Muslim surveillance program, even though their city is a top target for jihadists.
The negative consequences of America’s post-1965 immigration disaster have burrowed into every corner of society, from lessened water supply and diverse crime to oppressive air travel. [Airport Security Is Killing Us, By Charles Kenny, BusinessWeek, November 18, 2013]
Are we having fun yet? Is diversity paying off?
Brenda Walker lives in northern California and publishes the blog LimitsToGrowth.org.