Memo From Middle America | The Best Thing We Can Do For DREAMers — Send Them Home!

By Allan Wall


Memo From Middle America | The Best Thing We Can Do For DREAMers — Send Them Home!

For the past twelve years, Americans have been hearing sob stories about the “DREAMers” — illegal aliens brought here by their parents. It all started in 2001 with the first DREAM ACT, sponsored by Senators Durbin (D-Illinois). and Hatch (R-Utah). This was followed by other efforts through the years.

No DREAM ACT has ever passed both houses of Congress, but they have served to keep the issue alive and guilt-trip Americans. The “dream” of passing the DREAM ACT has increased the chance of Amnesty and made it more difficult to deport anybody. (Not that many illegal aliens are being deported now, anyway — see Obama Administration Announces It’s Been Lying With Statistics About Deportations, by Steve Sailer.)

Needless to say, the DREAM ACT and any facsimile thereof is simply a way to get the Amnesty camel’s nose under the tent — and to distract attention from what Big Business really wants to add as well: a massive increase in legal immigration.

In 2012, President Obama unilaterally enacted his own DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] directive, which for him (and the Democratic Party) was the next best thing to Amnesty. Yet most Republican lawmakers said nothing about it.

A few patriots, such as Rep. Steve King, have spoken up. But more Establishment Republicans however, have responded to the DREAM concept by pushing their own equivalent. Thus Majority Leader Eric Cantor has introduced his own “KIDS” Act.

And through it all, the drumbeat for the DREAMers continues.

Of course, it’s doubtful that, under the current administration, any of these DREAMers would ever be deported anyway. In some states, illegal aliens can now attend college, even with in-state tuition, i.e. they are preferred over Americans from other states. And, obviously, any sort of Amnesty, including a DREAM ACT, is going to be fraught with fraud. Who is going to investigate to see if these people were really brought in against their will as minors?

(The claim is that the DREAMers were brought by their parents, aren’t to blame and shouldn’t be punished. But the people defending the DREAMers don’t want to deport their parents either! So it’s a moot point.)

So should we bite the bullet and accept some form of the DREAM ACT while continuing to fight other forms of Amnesty?

No way! Not only is the DREAM ACT just a prelude to a full amnesty — it’s a bad policy in and of itself.

The truth: as Americans, we don’t owe these DREAMers anything. Regardless of how they got here, they are still illegal aliens.

The consistent position, from the immigration patriot point of view, is to oppose any Amnesty, regardless of what it is called.

What about “family unification”? There’s a simple solution to that — deport the entire family and they can be happy together in Mexico!

But as it stands now, neither the children nor the parents are being deported. Which makes the whole push for the DREAMers flagrantly deceptive. The chattering classes in the Main Stream Media and politics have credulously accepted the principle that the so-called DREAMers need to be helped and it’s a great injustice to deport them. It’s just not so.

(And, in fact, the same is true of Anchor Babies — perhaps politically a tougher nut to crack, but one that should be cracked, nonetheless).

Once we’ve accepted the fact that we owe the DREAMers nothing, GOP/ GAP/ and/or Third Party candidates can use the issue to attract white working class voters. After all, why should rednecks and blue collar whites have to pay for illegal aliens?

“Their parents brought them”? Well, don’t children always inherit the situation set up for them by their parents? Many American kids suffer from economic, social and familial hardship thanks to their parents. Some American kids don’t have a dad in the home, some kids have parents in jail, some kids don’t have healthy diets, etc. Why is it we hear more about the plight of illegal aliens than about these Americans?

New, devastating data has just been released about the DACA program: Applicants For Obama’s DREAMer Program Are Mostly Mexican, Under 21 [By Elizabeth Llorente, Fox News Latino, August 14, 2013).

As of June of 2013, DACA has had 557,000 applicants. Three-quarters have been accepted, only 1% have been denied with the balance still under review. (And what do you want to bet that 1% mark won’t be passed?).

And, the majority of the DACA DREAMers are Mexican. That’s a very significant fact. Why? Because all of these DACA DREAMers are already citizens of Mexico.

Since they are citizens of Mexico, they are not stateless. They have a home. They need to be deported (or, better yet, encouraged to self-deport) back to Mexico.

But what about education? In today’s America, you can promote all sorts of questionable things by just tacking “education” onto them.

We’re told that, if these DREAMers are allowed to stay, they can be educated and be more productive members of society, etc.

But what about working class whites? Who is promoting their education and economic well-being? Aren’t there young whites from working class families who might be eligible for a college education? Shouldn’t they have more right to it than foreign illegal aliens?

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t support the idea that every young person should go to college. It’s not for everybody.

As a high school teacher, I recognize that not all students are cut out for college. Many of them would be the first to tell you that. There ought to be plenty of options for American kids besides college.

But aren’t you tired of seeing our political elite favor foreign illegal aliens over American kids when it comes to a college education? Shouldn’t we condemn that and make it a political issue?

Besides, if all these Mexican DREAMers are really so interested in going to college, there’s a great option for them: They should return to Mexico — their country — where higher education is much cheaper than in the United States!

Business Insider did a comparative study of college costs in various countries (see Here’s What College Education Costs Students Around the World) and pointed out that Private education in Mexico has average annual tuition costs of $11,777, while public costs $527. (!) Meanwhile, Business Insider reports that north of the border, “Private education in the USA has average tuition costs of $24,700, while public costs $7,173.”

One of the ways Mexican universities keep their costs down: most of them don’t have dormitories. Students are responsible for their own housing — which, when you think of it, is more of a free market approach than ours. Also, if they study in the same city as their homes, most Mexican young people live with their parents until they get married. Which is another reason that the DREAMers' parents need to be deported along with them! We don’t want to break up families, now do we?

Some public universities in Mexico are free. Of course, they have their admission exams, and entrance is not based on Affirmative Action a.k.a. racial discrimination like ours. So qualified and determined students can benefit greatly.

I saw this firsthand when I lived in Mexico. Some of the people I attended church with had done well in public education. For example one couple had nine children and all of them had a college education.

Another such example: a close friend who had been raised in a family without much money. As a boy, he had sold gum on the streets. But he took advantage of free Mexican public higher education, became an engineer, worked several decades for Carlos Slim’s TELMEX, and is now comfortably retired in his 50s. (I don’t expect to retire in my 50s).

There are opportunities in Mexico. There is a Mexican Dream for Mexicans.

And we ought to help the DREAMers (and their parents) get back to Mexico so they can get to work on their Mexican Dream.

American citizen Allan Wall recently moved back to the U.S.A. after many years residing in Mexico. Allan’s wife is Mexican, and their two sons are bilingual. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His articles are archived here; his articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.

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