Memo From Middle America | Zimmerman Lynch Mob Exposes “Hispanic” Paper Tiger

By Allan Wall


The MSM “narrative” of the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman tragedy shooting — White Man shoots Black Teenager! — was barely changed by the revelation that the shooter can technically be classified as “Hispanic”. (His mother is Peruvian).

Zimmerman is also a registered Democrat, for what that’s worth. And Zimmerman is sometimes a Jewish name, as in the case of his father’s namesake “Robert Zimmerman” a.k.a. Bob Dylan, but a post over on Tablet Mag (which describes itself as a “daily online magazine of Jewish news, ideas, and culture.”) reassures the readers that “Zimmerman, Trayvon Martins Killer is not Jewish” [By Marc Tracy, March 21, 2012]. Apparently, George Zimmerman was raised Catholic, even serving as an altar boy.

The only effect of the revelation of Zimmerman’s ethnicity: the MSM switched to calling him a “white Hispanic” — a term, as Ellison Lodge pointed out last night, that a Google search shows was previously almost unknown.

The lynch mob continues to assemble — incited by none other than the President of the United States.

Which leads to the next question. Are Hispanics, especially the numerous self-appointed professional Hispanic noise-makers, defending George Zimmerman? And if not, why not?

The National Council of La Raza did issue a statement by its CEO Janet Murguia, A Complete Investigation is Vital for Justice in Trayvon Martin Case

Well, I’m sure we could all agree on that. But the statement was hardly a ringing endorsement:

Later, Rush Limbaugh actually pointed out that La Raza wasn’t defending Zimmerman. La Raza spokeswoman Lisa Navarrete responded with "We really regret people trying to use this to divide blacks and Latinos. It’s disturbing to us that Rush Limbaugh has this theory. The only time he apparently cares about what happens to a Latino is when they may have happened to kill a young African-American man."

La Raza says it’s Not ignoring Trayvon Martin Case, by Nick Valencia, CNN, March 28, 2012

The folks over at LULAC, League of Latin American Citizens don’t appear to be defending Zimmerman either. I checked out the LULAC website, League of Latin American Citizens, and didn’t find anything.

Nor is La Opinion, a leading Spanish-language Los Angeles newspaper. In fact its articles just seem to follow the Leftist party line. Its front page story on March 29, 2012 is Visten sudaderas por Trayvon, about California legislators dressing in hoodies (!) for a press conference.

The Mexican media, from what I’ve seen, don’t seem real interested in the story either. This March 24 article didn’t even mention the Hispanic angle. [“De tener un hijo, sería como Trayvon” | Obama exige aclarar asesinato de joven afroestadounidense]

Of course, this is a big contrast to how the Mexican media goes on and on about issues related to illegal alien Mexicans in the U.S.

Florida is full of Cubans, but the Spanish-language media there has nothing particular to say.

It occurred to me, though, how about the Peruvian media? After all, George Zimmerman’s mother was Peruvian.

Sure enough, this connection was acknowledged in the Peruvian media. But I found no ringing defense of George Zimmerman there either. For example:

George Zimmerman, el hombre de raíces peruanas odiado en EE.UU. (George Zimmerman, the man of Peruvian roots hated in the U.S.) El Comercio, March 24, 2012

This was followed up with Peruano-estadounidense mató a joven negro en defensa propia (“Peruvian-American Kills Young Black Man in Self-Defense”) El Comercio, March 26, 2012

There was some discussion of Zimmerman on this Peruvian forum. But opinion was divided, and it didn’t seem that hot of a topic.

Most of these Latin American pieces on Zimmerman pretty much follow the American Mainstream Media, without much original reporting.

Basically, what seems have happened is that the U.S. Left set the agenda through its control of the MSM, and professional Hispanics, and Spanish-language journalists, are following along.

But it may not be working. A white Panamanian-American writer by the name of Carlos Harrison looked at the Hispanic-Black angle in an article entitled Trayvon Martin Shooting Does Not Incite Hispanic-Black Tension, Focus Remains On Police, (Huffington Post, March 22, 2012). Harrison writes that

“The tension that the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon has exposed, residents and community leaders say, is not between blacks and Latinos, or blacks and whites. It’s a fresh gash in the festering rancor between the community’s blacks and its police…..But community members say that the ire over Martin’s death has not been directed at Latinos.”

There’s also a Spanish-language version of the Harrison article, entitled Caso Trayvon Martin:¿Afroamericanos vs. hispanos? (“Trayvon Martin Case: African-Americans vs. Hispanics?” AOL Latino, March 24, 2012). It’s just a translation of the same article with its feel-good treatment of Hispanic-Black relations.

However, when you scroll down to the comments section, all in Spanish, it’s another story entirely. Grassroots Hispanics aren’t buying all this happy talk.

Here are a few excerpts that I have translated:

And so it goes. There is plenty of evidence that, at the grassroots level, Hispanics understand the reality of black crime — a subject which our leaders (of both parties) fear to deal with or even mention.

As Brenda Walker has pointed out, this is not always a one-way street. She has reported ethnic cleansing of American blacks by Hispanic gangs in California.

Despite what the Civil Rights Establishment may tell us, there is a great deal of friction between blacks and Hispanics. As the demographics change, this is liable to get worse.

Indeed, in late 2007 a New American Media poll revealed that of the three principal minorities — blacks, Hispanics and Asian-Americans — each group trusted white Americans more than they did the other minority groups. [US minorities don’t trust each other (AFP) December 12, 2007]

So how does that bode for a future in which, if present trends continue, whites become a minority?

For that matter, Hispanics (defined as broadly as possible by the Census as a result of political pressure) have already passed blacks as the largest minority. Theoretically, if immigration policy continues on its current mad course, the U.S. could be on track to becoming a majority Hispanic country.

Black Americans are going to rue that day. They will have lost their special position in American society as the “favored minority”. Hispanics simply don’t walk around with a guilt complex about black people the way white Americans do.

So what does the Zimmerman lynch frenzy tell us?

Sailer has also repeatedly pointed out that the long-predicted Hispanicization of American politics and culture seems to be a suspiciously long time showing up.

The lynching of poor George Zimmerman proves the point: Hispanic power, to adapt Chairman Mao, is a paper tiger.

American citizen Allan Wall moved back to the U.S.A. after many years residing in Mexico. In 2005, Allan served a tour of duty in Iraq with the Texas Army National Guard. His articles are archived here; his articles are archived here; his News With Views columns are archived here; and his website is here.

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