
The Thin Blue Line Is Compromised at the Top

By Brenda Walker


One of the more disturbing aspects of illegal alien crime anarchy has been the number of police officers killed by foreigners — and the apparent lack of concern about the issue at the highest levels of police departments.

There has been local outrage from citizens, to be sure. But not much of the official variety from leaders in uniform who should regard the safety of their officers as a top priority — especially any threat from illegal aliens, who should not be here in the first place.

Of course, Chief of Police is a political position. You attain it by doing the bidding of powerful people and gaining the support of influential voting blocs — not necessarily by being an effective cop.

An ambitious captain looking for promotion has to demonstrate capacity for community outreach of a diverse nature while navigating the obstacle course of alliances that is City Hall everywhere.

So obedient Chiefs who want to keep their cushy jobs — San Francisco top cop Heather Fong makes $210,000 — fall into line with cop-killer policies like illegal alien sanctuary zones.

Sanctuary zones are a force multiplier on the side of the bad guys. If I were a citizen gangster, say a Crip or Blood, I would be offended that my criminal enterprises were being discriminated against. And they are. A foreign gangster is practically given a license to practice in Los Angeles, while homie lawbreakers get arrest and incarceration.

As a result of pander politics, we have creatures like the Los Angeles Chief William Bratton, who continues to defend his city’s sanctuary policy. In 2003, Bratton even told a radio listener who objected to LA’s Special Order 40 that he should "leave the state".

LA’s growing list of victims at the hands of foreign gang-bangers include:

At least LA District Attorney Steve Cooley created a website,, dedicated to shining a light on Mexico’s corrupt policy of providing a largely extradition-free safe haven for murderers, rapists and other violent thugs.

Years of citizen anger and organizing on the David March case and a few other high-profile crimes has loosened the logjam in the Mexican court system. Now at least some of the worst are sent to America to face US justice.

But to call retrieval and a middling jail sentence a "success" is only to note a slight improvement on the part of our narco-criminal neighbor in terms of extradition. Officer Young’s murder was a preventable crime, as are all the deaths caused by illegal aliens.

Doubly indefensible are deadly crimes committed by previously arrested illegal aliens who have not been deported. For example:

Needless to say, there are no federal statistics kept about the number of police officers (or innocent citizens) killed by illegal aliens. So there is no definitive list of their names. The following is a remembrance taken largely from my website Immigrations Human Cost, where crime victims of illegal aliens have been memorialized.

Chief of Police Harold Hurtt actually remarked shortly after the murder that he supported Houston’s sanctuary policy and it didn’t cause Officer Johnson’s death because "the subject was deported and yet he came back". It was not a shining moment in the annals of police leadership.

A notable detail in this case: an armed citizen, Rory Vertigan, returned fire against the three Mexicans after they had ambushed Officer Atkinson and began shooting at him. He tackled one Mexican and disabled their car so the others were unable to escape into their country.

As a result of Washington’s policy of No Borders, law enforcement officers are the only protection we have against a planet overrun with criminals and terrorists. Accordingly, police should be remembered and honored as soldiers used to be — back when we had sovereignty and the armed forces defended America.

In other areas of law enforcement, the "broken windows" approach of tough policing on small infractions has been lauded as successful because it prevents minor situations from escalating.

But when illegal aliens are involved, the world turns upside down and the worst imaginable behavior is excused and permitted.

Within that looking-glass universe, police officers are so much disposable road kill to elites from City Hall to the White House.

Just like the rest of us.

Brenda Walker (email her) lives in Northern California and publishes two websites, and She admires Mexico for its marvelous tequila, and that’s about all.

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