By Neil Kumar
See also: Book Club Presents: CHARLOTTESVILLE UNTOLD: Inside Unite The Right
With the release via Fox’s Tucker Carlson Tonight of scandalously-suppressed security camera footage of the January 6, 2021 Capitol incursion, it has become undeniable that was completely correct immediately to label the Ruling Class Narrative the “Capitol Insurrection Hoax.” Thus Third-Wave Feminist and Clinton-Gore adviser Naomi Wolf [Tweet her] has written Dear Conservatives, I Apologize: My "Team" was Taken in By Full-Spectrum Propaganda [, March 14, 2023]. But this is no less true of the remarkably parallel 2017 Charlottesville Unite The Right rally, which (although not involved — neither was I) immediately began tracking under the label “Charlottesville Narrative Collapse.” Slowly, in a less glamorous way, through guerilla publishers and websites, the real story of Charlottesville is becoming clear.
Padraig Martin of Identity Dixie (follow him on Gab here) has written the best first-hand account of the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally that I personally have had the pleasure to read. Its title, A Walk in the Park, serves as a grim reference to the expectations that most of the attendees had for the event. The demonstrators, a remarkable mixture of people including not just a constellation of nationalist groups, but also elderly couples, women, and history buffs (“very fine people” as President Trump put it), expected their legally permitted rally to be a walk in the park. They expected, as every American had for centuries, that they would be able to peacefully walk to a public park to protest the destruction and erasure of their historical monuments. They never expected the City of Charlottesville, and its cowardly at best and malicious at worst police department, to intentionally corral them as lambs to the slaughter.
While many, indeed most, Dissident Right commentators are today quick to smugly condemn Unite the Right as misguided, I believe these keyboard commandos are operating with the benefit of hindsight. Nobody could have anticipated what happened at Charlottesville. Nobody could have predicted that the City of Charlottesville would allow violent communists to attack peaceful protesters at a legally permitted rally. Mr. Martin’s intense, first-person account of just how brutal the onslaught was is a first-rate historical document that should be required reading for any American of good conscience. This was a remarkable escalation of leftist political violence, and directly presaged the Antifa/BLM riots of 2020.
Mr. Martin wisely restricts his narrative to that which he personally experienced, including his arrest on a spurious weapons charge immediately following the rally. As such, although the James Fields incident is only mentioned in passing, Mr. Martin actually encountered Mr. Fields as he was booked in the police station. These were critical moments, and Mr. Martin’s account supplies tantalizing evidence that James Fields was indeed railroaded by corrupt authorities. Indeed, this account raises the extremely disturbing question of whether Mr. Fields was even sufficiently mentally competent to understand what was happening to him.
Many conservative observers noted the laughable nature of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial; apparently unbeknownst to them, the trial of Mr. Fields was even more so.
A Walk in the Park is primarily a memoir of Mr. Martin’s political journey from right-leaning conservative to dedicated Southern Nationalist. Unite the Right was key to finalizing this transformation, especially the aftermath of the rally. Mr. Martin was doxxed, terminated by his employer, and reviled by many whom he had once called friends. He watched as the Republican Party and its press organs turned fully against the Charlottesville attendees and white Americans in general. For example, the execrable National Rifle Association, which promises its members legal assistance in cases like Mr. Martin’s, refused to defend anyone involved in what it called “the Charlottesville Riots.”
Most importantly, Mr. Martin lost all of the respect for law enforcement officers that he once had. As he so correctly puts it, “a paycheck and a comfortable retirement” mean more to police officers than doing what is right.
Over the six years since Unite the Right, the same mainstream conservatives who denounced the Charlottesville demonstrators as “racists” and “Nazis” have witnessed this truth about the authorities whom they fetishized for their entire lives — the “Blue” they so love to back. Tragically, however, most conservatives will continue to fly their “thin blue line” flags and thank police officers for their “service” as they turn in their guns.
These “antiracist conservatives” aka normies — the mass of the Republican base — see January 6, 2021, as the day the United States of America died. That is the day when most of them saw this country for what it really is for the first time.
But, as Mr. Martin notes, that’s only because they weren’t paying attention in 2017.
Though I personally believe that the real America died in 1865 — and Mr. Martin would likely agree — it is not hyperbolic to see Charlottesville as the final death knell for civil liberties in America. The “War on Domestic Terror,” i.e., the weaponization of the national security state against White Americans, did not really launch in earnest until then.
It was Unite the Right, August 12, 2017 that was the last day of the United States — at least, the United States that conservatives believed in as they pledged their allegiance to it.
We forget what occurred at Charlottesville at our peril. Mr. Martin’s book will be a revelation to many — and another step on the hard road to truth in communist-occupied America.
Neil Kumar is a law student who lives in the Arkansas Ozarks. He is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and Sons of the American Revolution, with blood that has been Southern since the seventeenth century. His work can also be found at the Abbeville Institute, American Renaissance, Clyde Wilson’s Reckonin’, and Identity Dixie. He was a candidate for Congress in the Third District of Arkansas in 2022, receiving 16, 400 votes.