An Alaskan Reader Points Out That, Once Again, The Army Is Suppressing Dissent
From: Ryan Kennedy should be aware of this:
August 22, 2013
I could definitely imagine a scenario where some soldier faces discipline or is denied a security clearance because his URL history has on it.
It’s important to complain about this to DoD now so as to prevent that or be able to fight it if it does happen.
See previous letters from Ryan Kennedy
By James Fulford writes: The DOD Training manual is available in PDF. You can see page 35 here: it goes on about something it calls
“Supremism” — The belief that a particular race, religion, gender, species, belief system, or culture is superior to others and entitles those who identify with it to dominate, control, or rule those who do not. A person who believes that a certain group is or should be supreme is a supremacist.
The point is that, like the $PLC, and the ADL (which the DOD uses as a source), it identifies any sort of racial opinions ipso facto with violence.
Here’s a list of articles we’ve done about the military’s attempt suppress all Dissident Right opinion:
- The Fulford File | Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also…Repression. And “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” (=Amnesty) Means More Of It.
- The Leaders Of The $PLC’s New Model Army
- A Reader With Military Experience Points Out That The Army’s "Hate Group" Letter May Have Had Official Sanction
- The Fulford File, By James Fulford | Internet Filters — Private Sector First Amendment Workaround, or Gov't Censorship In Disguise?
And here’s a list of the articles about, Major Hasan, the Muslim Fort Hood shooter, a guy who had genuine hate problems:
- Did Affirmative Action Stop Army Stopping Fort Hood Shooter?
- Affirmative Action DID Stop Army Stopping Hasan!
- Major Hasan: Stereotypes and Dual Loyalties
- Senate Report: Fort Hood Massacre Was Preventable
Before Hasan committed his crime, he used to give the same kind of "equal opportunity" lectures these guys are giving. After the crime, General George Casey,Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, said: "And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse."