Saturday Forum
A Retired U.S. Customs Officer Says Congress Is Fully Aware Of the Border Crisis; etc.
From: Ray Koontz readers will be interested in the comments made by Texas Rep. Ted Poe-R to the House of Representatives on September 7th.
Among Poe’s points:
- "…How easy it is to cross into the United States. Of course, there’s the Rio Grande River. Depending on where you go, there is sometimes not even water in the Rio Grande."
- "And I met with one of those locals (who lives on the Rio Grande) and he said that he felt like our own government has deserted the ranchers and farmers in the rural areas of our country. He said he waits sometimes a long time for the Border Patrol to show up when they are called."
- "The people coming over now, according to these farmers and ranchers, are criminals. Not all of them, but many of them are. And they destroy their [the ranchers'] property. They destroy the vehicles that they have. They steal their property."
- "And we have heard much about a virtual fence. What is a virtual fence? It means there is no fence, but there are cameras that watch the border. But the virtual fence, it’s virtual all right. People are still able to cross in through that virtual fence."
- "This is an issue about border security, this is not an issue of immigration. That’s a totally different issue. Border security is the issue, and we must, as a Nation, secure our border. And these sheriffs that live along here, the border sheriffs, each one of them believes the border should be secure because of the crime that is being committed."
Having retired from U.S. Customs Service Southwest Region seven years ago, I am familiar with the areas and problems (albeit just beginning) of which Representative Poe speaks.
Poe made many other excellent points so the Congress is aware of the problems, if only they paid attention.
Read and watch Poe’s entire speech here.
Koontz lives in the Houston area.
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A Chicago Minute Man Wonders Why America Keeps Electing the Same Traitors
From: Mike Mozart
Re: A Texas Reader Says Gov. Rick Perry Is Cut From The Same Cloth As His Predecessor
One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but hoping for different results.
American voters must truly be insane.
Reader Brian Welch wrote
"Perryis the same guy who has called a fence on the U.S./Mexico border 'ridiculous' and has repeatedly since his re-election refused to acknowledge his constituency unless they agree with him"
Keywords: "since his re-election"
How can we ever get a handle on this insidious invasion if we the people continue to re-elect those who allow it to happen?
Almost 80 percent of Americans want the invasion stopped and our borders secured. But we continue to elect Ted Kennedy, Richard Durbin, Diane Feinstein all the rest of the traitors.
It’s utter madness.
We will never get our borders under control and the invaders expelled or a return to sovereignty and the rule of law until we the people vote out 90 percent of our Congress and elect Americans that will put our nation’s interests first.
If there was a wholesale purge of open borders and pandering politicians, we'd see those remaining trying to outdo each other when it comes to cracking down.
But instead of throwing the bad guys out, we vote them right back in.
Why should our politicians do the right thing if there are no consequences for doing the wrong thing? They have the best of both worlds.
I have seen the enemy and he is us.
Mozart lives in what he describes as "the Democratic-controlled sanctuary city of Chicago." He is a Minuteman and, with others, protested in front of Elvira Arellano’s hideout. Read his previous letter about Arellano here
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A New Hampshire Reader Says Ron Paul Is Not "Humorless"
From: Judy St. Germaine
Re: Peter Brimelow’s Column: Ron Paul: I Believe in National Sovereignty"
I disagree with Peter Brimelow’s observation that Dr. Paul is "humorless." He is very serious, however, and was probably thinking and planning the entire day that Brimelow interviewed him.
My long-held personal opinion is that open borders would create a political vacuum that would be filled by a U.N.-style government. Now I see just what Paul is suggesting is the exact same thing.
Many libertarians don’t understand about world government but Paul does.
St. Germaine has been active in Republican politics for more than twenty years. She has held many positions within local GOP groups, run for office, and worked on state and presidential campaigns. Send St. Germaine mail c/o
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A PA Reader Says Attorney General Gonzales May Be The Reason For President Bush’s "Insane" Pro-Mexican Agenda
From: Robert Burch
Re: Chilton Williamson Jr.’s column: Diversity Is Strength — It’s Also A.G. Gonzales' Mexican Mores
As damning as Williamson’s article on departed Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was, he omitted the fact that Gonzales served on the board of directors of one of La Raza’s oldest affiliates, the Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans in Houston, Texas.
It makes you wonder if Bush’s "friend" is the source of the president’s insane pro-Mexican initiatives.
Burch describes himself as a prematurely retired ex-chemical research engineer whose job was outsourced. His letter about Ron Paul is here. And his letters about the illegal alien crisis in New Jersey and why educrats are happy about falling SAT scores are here and here.
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A Florida Reader Says the U.S. May Need a "Few" Immigrants
From: Jeffrey Oleander
Re: A Canadian Reader Says U.S. Needs Immigrants In A Global Economy
In his letter to, Canadian reader Leonardo Arbelaez wrote:
"Engineering enrollment in U.S. universities is declining especially among native-born Americans."
U.S. university enrollments wax and wane according to how promising the job market seems in relationship to the cost of a four-year college education.
Right now the job market isn’t very encouraging so fewer U.S. citizens enroll.
The best I can figure from U.S. Department of Education’s records, in 1960 about 45,624 citizens earned degrees in engineering. In 1970 that total rose to 3,110 degrees in computer and information science and 63,753 in engineering.
In 1986, a water-shed year in which the Immigration Reform and Control Act passed and changes in tax regulations which encouraged body shopping took effect, U.S. citizens earned 50,303 C&IS degrees, and 99,077 engineering degrees.
In 2004 US citizens earned 66,130 C&IS degrees and 78,556 engineering degrees. The 2005 totals were 61,422 and 80,572, respectively.
If we consider the sum of all science and tech degree categories, the numbers of US citizens earning degrees become 80,566 in 1960, 141,672 in 1970, 251,240 in 1986, and 272,355 in 2004 and 275,923 in 2005.
Now, turning to Bureau of Labor Statistics data on detailed occupations (including US citizens, guest-workers and those on green cards), in 1983 the math and computer science work-force (both employed and unemployed) was about 471,500, in 2004 it was about 3,278,000, in 2005 it was about 3,343,000, and in 2007Q2 it was about 3,509,000 (excluding formerly employed software engineers currently working in menial jobs)
The numbers employed in math and computer science in 1983 were about 463,000 increasing to 3,140,000 in 2004; 3,342,945 in 2005 and 3,446,000 in 2007.
Similar figures for the electrical and electronic engineering work-force were: about 458,000 in 1983, about 351,000 in 2004, 358,000 in 2005,and about 306,000 in 2007Q2, while employment was about: 450,000 in 1983, 343,000 in 2004, 352,000 in 2005,and 306,000 in 2007Q2.
Not included in the figures of the preceding paragraph are U.S. citizens who are selling cars but used to be fully employed software architects or electronics engineers. Note that the combined work force has grown.
Yes, the U.S. needs a few immigrants. Unfortunately, over the last five decades there have been far too many immigrants and guest-workers, while bright, well-educated U.S. citizens — many of them brighter than most of the guest-workers — have been knocked off of the career ladder for the personal benefit of a few not unscrupulous executives in business and academe.
Oleander has been a programmer since 1970 with experience in econometrics and statistics, rocket science and nuclear weapons systems, screen- and speech-writing,
Send him mail c/o
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