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A Former Officer Says LAPD Hiring Now Diversity-Driven At Expense Of Catching Criminals; etc.

From: Jim

Re: Brenda Walker’s Column: The Thin Blue Line Is Compromised At The Top

I applaud Walker’s article on illegals murdering police officers. Her insight on political influence and decision making by scum like Los Angeles Police Department Chief William Bratton is accurate.

If William Parker, LAPD’s ex-police chief who purged the department of corruption in the 1950’s were alive today, he would go into convulsions.

Bratton is a pure politician of the worst kind. District Attorney Steve Cooley isn’t far behind. Cooley could have indicted Roger Cardinal Mahony for harboring of pedophiles in the Catholic Diocese of Los Angeles. Instead, he attended masses Mahoney led.

I worked at the LAPD for years. I was there when Special Order 40 was invoked. During that time, however, officers were concerned more for their country than LAPD policy. When criminal aliens were discovered, we contacted the INS (now ICE) who promptly responded and removed the subjects. The result: a sudden drop in crime rates. Duh!

Today, LAPD hires functional illiterates based upon skin color and sexual deviancy. It lives on a reputation made by officers from an earlier era with character and conviction…in other words, true heroes and not politically correct cowards.

Jim worked for LAPD on a special assignment where he and his fellow officers hunted, captured and brought to justice violent serial predators. Send him mail c/o

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A Texas Reader Worries About Ron Paul

From: Tim Stefanini

Re: Peter Brimelow’s Column: Ron Paul: "I Believe In Nation Sovereignty"

Paul’s answer to Brimelow’s question asking what he thinks of the H-1B program is truly troubling.

Paul: "I've supported it because it’s legal"

What America has done from 2001 to 2006 is taken two million of our best and brightest citizens in the technology industry, many with master’s degrees from top universities, and thrown them onto the streets.

Foreign-born, mostly from India, have replaced Americans. They often fake their credentials and their degrees. A six-month certificate program is frequently called a masters degree. A three-week training stint is mocked up as four years of experience. The few real investigations done show shocking levels of fraud (the INS study found 47 percent fake credentials). The body shops who place the foreigners are scam artists looking to avoid paying taxes.

If you are a new graduate lucky enough to land a job, you have a $50,000 student loan debt. But you're sitting next to an Indian engineer who paid $40 for his six-month course. Is this fair?

What do these H-1B visas say about the American dream (for Americans)?

Borrow tens of thousands of dollars for a top university education, work hard and make sure you are the best and the brightest, only to get discarded by our society that values actors, models, singers, sports stars, and television personalities. Look at the wealthiest Americans under-40 list to prove it.

The career of last resort for educated Americans is to practice law. Luckily for lawyers, the U.S. has the most lawsuits of any nation and ten times more lawyers per capita than European countries.

This is America’s future: lawsuits and pop stars.

Stefanini has worked in the Silicon Valley software industry for over fifteen years as a technology manager. He recently traveled to India and came away with this conclusion: "People who don’t see first hand the massive IT employment in Indian tech centers have no idea the scale by which we have lost jobs."

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A Florida Reader Says Paul Misses The Consumer-Immigration Connection

From: Doug White:

By Peter Brimelow asked:

"But the question is, whose interests are you going to go with? The interests of the worker or the interests of capital?"

Paul responded:

"A free market always goes with the interests of the consumer … Everybody’s a consumer"

Paul implies a conflict of interest between worker and consumer. This is a false dichotomy.

People are both workers and consumers. Reduce wages by flooding the market with cheap labor, and you reduce consumption. It is two sides of the same coin. As worker/consumer, I want immigration curtailed — even if it means higher prices for lettuce.

Two Asian immigrants replaced White after his seven-year career as a database administrator in Orange County, Florida. According to White, whose supervisor was a high school graduate who knew nothing about IT, management wasn’t looking for cheaper employees but more docile labor. White sums his experience up this way: "I’m distressed to be looking for a job, but happy that I didn’t become a toady for management."

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A Hispanic Reader And Animal Lover Challengers Brenda Walker; Brenda Replies

From: Dani Sartori

Re: Brenda Walker’s Column: They Kill Horses Don’t They? (Mexicans, That Is)

Every culture will have good and bad people, period. Judging a whole ethnic group based on the actions of few individuals is unfair and takes attention away from the real problem.

We need to educate humans that treating animals kindly is just a matter of compassion.

Killing horses as well as dog and rooster fighting are not exclusive to Mexicans

Witness the Michael Vick case. Vick doesn’t represent America.

Or the incident in San Jose, CA during which animal control apprehended 100 roosters raised for fighting. Those aren’t American values. ["Cockfighting Raid Shocks San Jose Neighbors," Joshua Molina, San Jose Mercury News, August 27, 2007]

I would never evaluate an entire culture based on the actions of individuals like Vick. Why does Walker feel she has the right to do so?

I am not Mexican but I am Latin American. I would never buy a dog, or a cat at a pet store chain because I am so profoundly opposed to the puppy mill industry. I have adopted a puppy mill bitch that today at 14 is my best friend. I just recently adopted an Australian Shepherd with a leg malformation who would certainly been put down.

I have adopted several dogs and cats — lots of them since I tend to adopt senior animals nobody wants. I also sponsor undernourished horses.

Am I the person Walker is writing about?

Animal cruelty occurs on both sides of the border. Hate speech like Walker’s only promotes hate. In order to stop animal cruelty we need love. You can’t love animals without loving humans.

Would Walker see me, a foreign-born Latina, as someone who doesn’t respect American values? I would appreciate an answer.

Brenda Walker replies: There is no question that Mexican culture does not condemn animal cruelty to the extent that American society does. As I noted in my column, Mexico has no laws against cruelty to animals.

Horse tripping, a rodeo event enjoyed by many Mexicans, is illegal in several states in America.

Mexico’s national sport, bullfighting, is the ritualized killing of an animal for entertainment. In America, that does not compute.

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A Pennsylvania Reader Reports Californication In Her Rural Neighborhood

From: A.M.S.

For 21 years, I have lived in a small rural neighborhood near the Pennsylvania/Delaware border. I have watched my neighborhood change dramatically in the last few years as it has been overrun with Mexican aliens renting houses on my street.

At present there are 50 percent renters, and they have multiple families living in one dwelling. Their children are overburdening our local school and people are enrolling their children in charter schools to avoid it. My son couldn’t get into summer school when he was failing a grade, yet all my Mexican neighbors got picked up each summer morning for classes. Isn’t this reverse discrimination?

Our borough counsel will not put a moratorium on renting, and will not hold landlords responsible for their tenants. Recently we have experienced crime on our streets that did not exist before — gang graffiti, car break-ins, slashed tires and drivers leaving crash scenes because they have no identification or insurance.

Our hospitals must admit and care for them, our schools are at a loss, and law enforcement is weak.

Once, our community was a beautiful scenic countryside until greedy council members allowed mushroom "farmers", (and I say that with a grain of bitter salt) to cover the countryside with stinky mushroom houses. Compost facilities border our town.

Several years ago, local state representative Art Hershey (RINO) helped draft a document that exempts the "farmers" from the Clean Air Act, calling them an "agri-business" [E-mail Hershey here]

Consequently the mushroom industry attracted illegal Mexican farm workers to shovel the muck. They in turn encouraged their illegal cousins, and then President Ronald Reagan made the unforgivable mistake of granting them amnesty.

Once they became legal, more relatives followed.

My uninvited neighbors are cheeky, do not abide by the law, and are a general nuisance.

We look like a border town. The Mexicans hang sheets in their window, if the glass is not broken, drink in public, trash their houses and yards while those of us who own our homes have spent time and money improving our properties. Last year, the man across the street hung the Mexican flag in his front window during the week of 9/11.

I am sick of it. I don’t plan to cave into a migration of illegal cockroaches in my neighborhood. We are upstanding, tax-paying citizens who have had enough.

AMS is married to a legal immigrant from New Zealand who underwent a six-month FBI check before he was allowed to come to the U.S. The couple lived in California for the first years of their marriage. She hopes that the rest of Pennsylvania does not become like California …and her formerly quaint town.

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