Amnesty Blocking Bills: Three More Heroes
Three more Congressmen cosponsored one or other of the Amnesty Blocking Bills yesterday.
Congressman Ben Quayle’s HR 5953 gained
Rep. Dan Benishek [R-MI1]
Rep. Jeff Miller [R-FL1]
for a new total of 34 cosponsors.
Congressman Dave Schweikert’s HR5397 gained
Rep. Austin Scott [R-GA8]
For a new total of 21 cosponsors.
Quayle has not yet reciprocated Schweikert’s gesture and signed his Primary opponent’s Bill.
Lamar Smith’s HR2497 — discussed here — was unchanged at 55.
Of the newcomers Scott had previously signed the Quayle bill and Miller had signed the Smith Bill.
With the Supreme Court this week agreeing that the Obamacrats can ignore laws as they wish, close Congressional policing of the Executive is imperative. Logically Congressmen should sign all three Bills to be considered serious. Only 4 (including Schweikert) have.