
As Texan Governor, Perry Obeyed Plutocrats, Nullified 2010 Election, Wrecked Sanctuary City Crack Down

By Patrick Cleburne


With Donald Trump headed down to Laredo today, rival Rick Perry’s performance on immigration while Governor of Texas deserves attention. Wisely, Perry has been trying to dodge this

Speaking to reporters following his remarks, Mr. Perry said Mr. Trump should direct his ire about border security problems to the federal government, not to the state of Texas. β€œIf he wants to spew invectives, I suggest … that he should point that to the federal government that has failed and failed and failed to secure that border,” he said.
Rick Perry and Donald Trump Exchange Jabs by Rebecca Ballhaus The Wall Street Jul 22, 2015

In 2011 after sweeping election victories for the Texas Legislature by immigration Patriots the previous year a bill to crack down on β€œSanctuary Cities” in the state β€” municipalities blocking immigration law enforcement (like San Francisco does) β€” was slated to pass. Nothing happened because of the Big Donor intervention: see Texan Plutocrats Nullify State Election, Protect Sanctuary Cities: Where Was Governor Perry?

Perry tried to hide but failed: Texas Tea Party Denounces Perry Sanctuary City Double-Cross. Perry could easily have saved the bill but did not.

Of course this was declared non-News: MSM Continues Free Pass For Perry On Sanctuary Cities


Texas in 2011 β€” America in 2015.

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