We’re immensely grateful for the outpouring of support and advice after our payment processor rudely interrupted our most important fundraiser of the year by their decision to demonitize us. (We lawyered up and seem to have bought ourselves some time, but we don’t know how long this window will last.)
One of the best pieces of advice was that we ought to make it clear we accept cryptocurrency! See all of our crytpo addresses here!
Bitcoin is hitting record highs as we close 2020, and those of you that invested in it may be feeling extra blessed this year. (And if you’re facing capital gains tax, well, we can help you out with that! See earlier blog on higher limits on tax deductions for 2020.)
But some of our readers who want to be proactive in adopting cryptocurrency don’t know where to begin.
We can help with that too! Follow these steps below to become a cryptocurrency wiz. And if you have further questions or just want some live support, don’t hesitate to call our office at 860-361-6231.
Create An Exchange Account
Exchanges like Kraken, Binance, and Gemini allow you to buy and sell bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. Coinbase is an exchange with high name recognition and fast account approval, but it is run by left-wing censors who actively block bitcoin donations to VDARE.com, so if you intend to donate to us, don’t go with Coinbase. Luckily, there are myriad alternatives. For a full list of Bitcoin exchanges available in your country, check here. And if you already use Coinbase and would like to send VDARE.com a donation from there, please contact Lydia Brimelow at for a workaround.
Buy Your Cryptocurrency
Once you have an exchange account you can link you bank account and buy cryptocurrency. Bitcoin and Etherium are the most popular. Litecoin brags a low transaction fee and fast block approval time [Investing in Litecoin (LTC) — Everything You Need to Know, by David Hamilton, October 25, 2020, Securities.io]. Monero is a preferred option for many due to its ability to help anonymize users [Six Private Cryptocurrencies, by Shobhit Seth, December 24, 2020, Investopedia]. VDARE.com accepts all coins. If you would like to donate a coin that isn’t listed on our donate page, please email Lydia Brimelow at to make arrangements.
Guard Your Cryptocurrency
Investing in cryptocurrency can be lucrative, so hackers are abundant. Think of it this way — you’re bypassing the banks and their censorship; but you’re also now solely responsible for keeping your money safe. For the most part, following these two steps will keep your money in your wallet:
How To Donate Cryptocurrency
Now that you have your cryptocurrency, you can donate to your favorite 501c3 Nonprofit (Like VDARE.com!) and receive a tax-deduction!
If you are donating to VDARE.com via cryptocurrency and would like a tax-reciept:
Again, thanks to all of our donors and supporters who have made 2020 a remarkable 20th Anniversary celebration. With your help in these last few days of the year, we can meet our goal and enter 2021 well-positioned in the fight to keep America American!