ONE OLD VET Ceases Publication: Please Thank This Great Patriot. DON’T Thank FAIR, CIS or NUMBERSUSA
His Country called: He answered.
To my mind, easily the most depressing piece of Immigration Front news since it became clear that Sheldon Adelson had stealthily but successfully bribed the GOP leadership to ignore the 2014 election and acquiesce in Obamnesty has been the decision announced earlier this month by One Old Vet to suspend publication.
For 6 to 10 hours, nearly each and every day for the last 10 years I have been posting articles and opinions that I believed American Patriots needed to hear and read. Producing OOV has been a true labor of love.OOV on Sabbatical May 4 2015…at 68, with failing health, diminishing time and energy, I have decided the time has come for me to take a sabbatical from producing OOV. I don’t know how long it will be; perhaps six months, a year, or longer. I hope this is not the end of OOV. I would like to return to it at some point; God Willing I will some day.
I will leave the site up for at least a few more years even if I don’t return to day to day posting, so please check back occasionally even if only to see if someone posted my obituary.
Thank you for your years of support, your kind and encouraging words.
God Bless & Keep, each and every one of you my friends and loyal readers.
As I said in ONE OLD VET Nails Obama’s “Flood-America-By-Stealth” Plan
One Old Vet is in my opinion the best news aggregator for following America’s Immivasion disaster, putting the lavishly funded Inside the Beltway Immigration Restraint outfits to shame.
A very large proportion of my own blogs have been derived from OOV’s material. And he has been de facto my (very talented) picture editor as well. I am at a loss to know what to do without him. It was a very efficient relationship and I grieve for it.
What a disgrace and a sin that it has been that this invaluable site should have depended on the efforts (I would guess 70 hours a week at least) of one ailing old man who in fact has many other interests. I would ask readers who appreciated his work to post their thanks on his final blog.
And what a scandal it is that as far as I know only tried to help OOV, a pensioner on a fixed income, to fund his activities (and thanks to our readers who helped). Where were FAIR, CIS and NumbersUSA? OOV was strictly silent on the crucial matters of race and ethnic animosity which cause to be taboo: but these wealthy organizations never reached out to him. I have no doubt the monthly expense accounts of the managers of these outfits exceeded OOV’s total annual expenditures.
Grim, depressing times. I commend Peter Brimelow’s Amren speech as an antidote.