Santorum Announces For President, Stresses Immigration’s Effect On Workers
New: In announcing run, Santorum delivers toughest message of any Republican on immigration.
— Byron York (@ByronYork) May 27, 2015
Rick Santorum has announced his candidacy for President. In his announcement, he talks about the displacement of American workers by foreigners. Unlike other Republican candidates and even former GOP Presidents, he’s against it.
Here’s an Op-Ed he published yesterday (emphases added throughout):
We must reform a tax code and regulatory system that puts American manufacturers at a competitive disadvantage to the rest of the world by flattening the tax code, eliminating costly regulations, and reforming our immigration system that is allowing too many illegal and unskilled legal immigrants to compete for jobs American workers can hold.Santorum: Who fights for hardworking families?, Des Moines Register, Rick Santorum, May 27, 2015
And here’s a transcript of his announcement:
As middle America is hollowing out, we can’t sit idly by as big government politicians make it harder for our workers and then turn around and blame them for losing jobs overseas.Working families don’t need another President tied to big government or big money.
And today is the day we are going to begin to fight back!
I am proud to stand here among you and for you — the American workers who have sacrificed so much — to announce that I am running for President of the United States.
I’ll offer a bold vision for America, one that is clear and conservative, that has plans for reform, and has a proven track record that I have in my time of service.
Step one in taking back America — step one — let’s scrap the corrupt federal tax code and the IRS that goes with it.
It’s time to give America a simple, fair, flat tax.
It will create millions of good-paying jobs. It will rebuild our factories, and it will increase take-home pay for workers in America.
Powered by the shale revolution and the renewable revolution — powered by those two revolutions, we have regained the title of the world leader in energy production.
With low-cost energy and our bold plan, I promise you we will regain the title of a leader in world manufacturing.
That’s not all. We will shrink government. We will reduce spending. We will revoke every executive order and regulation — we will revoke every executive order and regulation that cost American jobs.
From Day One, we will work to bring back America and put Americans back to work.
American workers deserve a shot at these jobs.
Over the last 20 years, we’ve brought into this country legally and illegally 35 million — mostly unskilled workers.
And the result? Over that same period of time, workers wages and family incomes have flatlined.
Hillary Clinton and big business — they have called for a massive influx of unskilled labor.
Business does it because they want to control costs. Hillary does it, well, she just wants votes.
Their priorities are profits and power. My priority is you — the American worker.
[Partial transcript of remarks by former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum announcing his intention to seek the Republican nomination for President in 2016.The announcement was held on May 27, 2015, Part 2 of 4. ]
Here are some earlier posts on Santorum:
- Rick Santorum Lays Out Pro American Worker Platform
- A Florida Reader Has Hope For Santorum
- Rick Santorum Again Questioning Legal Immigration
- Rick Santorum, Labor Day, And The Workers Who Would Vote Republican If They Thought The GOP Was On Their Side
- Santorum Either Sees Light Or Feels Heat, Tells GOP To Back Off On Immigration