
Easter During Coronavirus: The Resurrection Of America Will Come

By James Fulford


Normally, it’s my task to explain here that there is a War on Easter, like there’s a War On Christmas, and that instead of making people say “Happy Holidays”, schools and municipalities make children engage in Spring Egg Hunts under the aegis of the Spring Bunny.

This year, however, there will be no Spring Egg Hunts, or Easter Egg Hunts either. (Lydia Brimelow wanted to organize an Easter Egg Hunt at our new Castle in West Virginia, but that’s out.) Not only are Easter Egg Hunts banned, but so are Easter services in churches, which are not only possibly dangerous, but considered nonessential.

Christian Pastors are being arrested for defying state and local orders to not congregate with their congregations.

It’s possible that the pastor in Florida who got 500 people together in a space that usually holds 4000 was doing something dangerous, but it’s clear that the authorities don’t care about the religious liberties of Christians, fining people who’ve attended drive-in services, in their car, $500, and things like this:

Police also harassed Christians worshiping on Palm Sunday in Chincoteague Island, Va. Police have served a summons to Kevin Wilson, pastor of Lighthouse Fellowship Church, charging him with violating Gov. Ralph Northam (D-Va.)’s order prohibiting worship services with more than 10 people in the building. The pastor could go to jail for one year and be fined $2,500 for violating the order, and each parishioner may face such a sentence for attending service in-person on Easter.

Wilson’s crime? He allowed sixteen people, standing six feet apart, to worship in the 293-person sanctuary.[Emphasis added.]

UPDATED: Churches Are Fighting Tyrannical Government for the Right to Celebrate Easter While Social Distancing, by Tyler O'Neil, PJMedia, April 11, 2020

The State of Kentucky has announced that they’ll take down the license plates of anyone attending church on Easter, and make them self-quarantine: Kentucky governor: Anyone at mass gatherings this weekend must quarantine, by Taylor Weiter and Jessie Cohen, WHAS, April 10, 2020.

It’s a typical case of Anarcho-Tyranny, since, as we’ve reported repeatedly, governments are afraid to enforce these rules in the inner city — or “outer city” in the case of Paris’s immigrant-ruled suburbs.

But this is just temporary. What we really have to deal with is the resurrection of America. Trump has to get America back to work, and start the process of not only recovering from the coronavirus lockdown, but from the mass immigration and outsourcing that brought America to this pass.

It’s possible that the eventual result of this will be a net positive. People whom you would not have expected to consider it are talking about an immigration moratorium.

We need a total moratorium on ALL visas until employment levels go back to pre-pandemic levels — put our citizens first!

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) April 3, 2020

Larry Kudlow is talking about moving American production back from China, with help from the US government. [Kudlow: ‘Pay The Moving Costs’ Of American Companies Leaving China, Kenneth Rapoza, Forbes, April 10, 2020]

This caused Scott Adams to Tweet that

While the cost of the #coronavirus pandemic will be trillions, the long term gains for the United States are shaping up to be extraordinary.

This does not mean that one political position — ours, of course, but also the position of the majority of Americans — is benefitting from the death of tens of thousands of Americans.

What it means is that what’s happening is what happened after Pearl Harbor in 1941, when the Japanese Admiral who led the attack is alleged to have said “I fear that all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

The “sleeping giant” is the American people. The “terrible resolve” will be easier on China than the earlier one was on Japan, but it will take the form of a resolve to make American not only Great, but Independent.

In 2002, Chilton Williamson wrote a piece for called Easter And The Resurrection Of The West, which ended this way:

Yet people can change, including societies and — even — the politicians who beset them. Hope is a virtue.

Expect therefore a miracle — in particular on this feast of the greatest and longest-lasting of all miracles, the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead.

To that end, the editors of direct their Easter prayers — and on behalf of their readers, too!

Happy Easter From!

Earlier Easter Columns

(“By a happy coincidence, Easter Sunday falls this year on the thirty-fifth anniversary of Enoch Powell’s great speech on immigration — given in Birmingham on April 20, 1968. This neatly intertwines the themes of spiritual and national death and resurrection in a way that might have pleased Powell, who had been a fierce atheist as a young man and whose equally fierce if unorthodox Anglicanism in later life was explicitly related to his appreciation of the English Church as an expression of the English nation.")

And perhaps our most serious statement:

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