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10/30/09 — A NY Media Consultant Laughs At Hispanic Effort To Boycott Lou Dobbs

A Texas "Cradle" Catholic Wonders If Her Church Thinks About The Long Term Consequences Of Its Immigration Advocacy; etc.

From: June Venable (e-mail her)

Re: Brenda Walker’s Column: Father Pat Bascio: A Rare (?) Immigration Enforcement Voice In The Catholic Clergy

As a "cradle" Roman Catholic who attended parochial schools from kindergarten through college, I strongly disagree with my Church’s pro-immigration stand. Many of my Catholic friends share my opinion.

While I see the fallacy in the Church’s argument to open our borders, it is so ingrained in the hierarchy that it may never change.

When I was a child, we were always donating our dimes to save Chinese babies. Missionaries went to poor countries to bring them God’s word.

Now, the Church wants to import all the world’s poor to the U.S.

What I can’t understand though is if the Church needs more parishioners to support itself, why fill the pews with poor people who can’t possibly tithe enough for the upkeep of all its charities?

The Church does wonderful work through hospitals, nursing homes and orphanages, but it will no longer be able to continue its outreach if they allow illegal aliens to take the jobs of Americans who fill the coffers with their hard earned donations.

A better approach to help the citizens of impoverished countries like Mexico would be to speak out on its corrupt leadership and demand that they improve the lives of their people.

Not one word is ever heard from the pulpit about this obvious solution.

We cannot save the world. When America is tapped out, no one will be left to help.

Venable is a retired elementary school teacher whose great-grandfather fought in the Revolutionary War when he was fourteen. Read her previous letters about the sanctuary city of Austin and amnesty in the presidential campaign here and here.

Brenda Walker replies: My great uncle was a missionary in Sudan so I believe in the important work that some Catholics do. But today’s do-gooders don’t want to give up their televisions and air-conditioning when they engage in helping the poor. It’s much more convenient to bring them here.

Father Pat is a warm and engaging person whose book is well informed. Perhaps he can open a few minds among his immigration enthusiastic colleagues.

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A Washington State Medical Professional Is Forced Out Of Her Home Because Of Her Bad Mexican Neighbors

From: Abigail Smith (e-mail her)

Re: Joe Guzzardi’s Column: Habitat For Humanity: Americans Must Come First

My godmother and her children are of Mexican ancestry. Nicer people would be hard to find in any country. They're American citizens, dedicated voters, and low-income business owners. I wonder if they could get a Habitat for Humanity home!

A few years ago, I was forced to move out of my old neighborhood because of the atrocious behavior of a family of brazen, noisy, trashy, illegal alien Mexicans with expired green cards who were renting under aliases and using their parents' credit.

They were also operating a messy, smelly, unlicensed auto repair and resale business out of my residential apartment building in violation of local zoning laws. Many of the cars worked on were stolen.

My liberal Unitarian landlord favored them over me in a noise dispute and, even though I'd been there years before they arrived and had worked hard to maintain the building and grounds, he evicted me.

During my dispute, the Mexicans also called the police and falsely accused me of assault. The local cops never fined them after I had reported their many violations but took their word against mine about the alleged assault.

I racked up $2,500 in legal fees fighting the bogus charge before the municipal court threw out the case.

Now that recent Mexican immigrants, some legal but some not, have taken over my new neighborhood thanks to discounted mortgages and Habitat for Humanity, I wonder where am I going to move to next?

Smith has worked in the medical field since she graduated from an Ivy League university during the 1980s.

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A Wisconsin Reader Wonders Why South Carolina Voters Keep Making The Same Mistake With Lindsey Graham

From: A. W. R.

Re: Today’s Letter: A South Carolina Reader Says Lindsey Graham Rivals John McCain As The Senate' Biggest Republican Traitor

I couldn’t agree more with letter writer Erskine Thomason that John McCain and Lindsey "Gramnesty" are horrible Senate RINO traitors.

My only question is why do the good people of South Carolina keep re-electing him?

I am so disgusted by Graham that even though I live in Wisconsin I made a political contribution to his Democratic opponent Bob Conley during his 2008 election.

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And A Massachusetts Reader Notes That South Carolinians Had Better Choices — But Voted For Graham Anyway!

From: Neil Dunn

Regarding Thomason’s letter about Sen. Lindsey Graham and his advocacy for illegal immigrants, I'd like to know why the people of South Carolina voted for him again last November?

Conservative Democrat and recently converted Republican Bob Conley opposed Graham in the general election. Even though Conley campaigned to end illegal immigration, he was soundly defeated. [Democrat Bob Conley Offers Republicans a Real Choice in November, by Jack Hunter, Charleston City Paper, June 18, 2008]

And earlier during the spring Republican primary, folks could have voted for Dr. Buddy Witherspoon who made his opposition to illegal immigration the focal point of his campaign.

Yet South Carolina voters chose Graham.

I repeat my question: why?

Dunn’s previous letter responding to a Connecticut reader who suggests Roman Catholics should withhold their donations to the Church in protest of its support of illegal immigration is here.

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